Let me put it simply, what about changing the gears' (armor, helmet, weapons) wiki image into a GIF? It will make the page of the gears...... even cooler.
For example, I opened the Wolver Coat page in the wiki, and the first thing I saw is the cropped image of a random knight showing the Wolver Coat. We should make a GIF version of the Wolver Coat image, and make the GIF rotate, or maybe we can rotate it by clicking the left and right side of the image, like in the TF2 wiki.
You may be asking this, "How can we do that?". We can use Spiral Spy to make the GIF image. Maybe some of you can, by making a video of you rotating a knight with a white outfit, and a Wolver Coat, and when you done, edit it. There maybe more way to do this.
So, agree? I'm truly sorry if this kind of thread has been posted before, because I'm not quiet active at the "Wiki Editor" sub-forum.
Your point is not to convert PNGs to GIFs, which would have no impact on usabiity, but to convert them to *animated* GIFs?