why cant three rings be straight forward.

32 replies [Last post]

Why cant three rings be straight forward and give us a rough estimate of when battle sprites will be out. I mean come on they hope they will be out in the first half of the year. Cant they at least tell us around what month.

Amaki's picture
It's easy.

They announced the guild update six months before releasing it. So we know their next update will be in June.

Also, saying it before everyone else does, it's "straightforward" and not ... however you spelled it.

Theopholis's picture
We don't know that the next update will be in June.

I'm sure they have a rough idea of when it might be, and it may even be June, but the fact is that new content takes significant time to develop, and needs to be developed well before it can be used. No room for rushing.

Just be patient, and do your homework.

Psychodestroyer's picture

Can you figure the exact hour in which the twenty page essay one has to write will be finished? Considering you work at it 24/7?

The point is, they're working on it. Just because they said they're going to get it done doesn't mean it'll be smooth sailing, nor would they not hit any complications along the way. Better to give a general time frame and arrive early than to give a specific one and end up late; the latter annoys people.

Sweet-Hope's picture

Maybe OOO shouldnt have tell about the battle sprites content before. because now Spiralmon trainers would be spamming Spiralmon threads about when spiralmones will be ready to be implemented in the game... now we would have the: Ce thread complains, the LD AT complains, the CE system must go complains, and our new guest: When Spiralmon will be ready? threads. ohh boy, this would be a large 6 month period....

Myqpalzm's picture
Your Three Rings in
Flowchart's picture

Because things might get delayed and they'd have to release it later than expected.

They're actually lucky as software developers to be able to do that. Oftentimes management/clients want an exact date as an estimate even if it's something completely new, and then that becomes a deadline. The same thing would happen if they posted an estimated date here, people would see that as a commitment.

i think half a year is a bit much

I just think half a year is a bit much. I am just very exited for it thats why i would love the release date to be narrowed down a little bit.

There already a knight who

There already a knight who has a pet and special one at that :-


Entrosync's picture
I don't really care about

I don't really care about battle sprites,I say it'll make SK stupider than ever.
Also,nice english

Zaffy-Laffy's picture
Zaffy is Laffy
Xxpapaya's picture
The papaya giggles

You forgot to put a full stop at the end of your last sentence, so you are hardly in a position to criticize another person's English. I'm quite sure the game isn't getting more stupid, but it seems that haters like you are. You aren't even supporting your opinion that "SK is stupid".

Besides, this is the internet, nobody uses proper grammar/spelling unless its for websites like Wikipedia (any informative website).

How about Sega in a straightforward position? :3

Watch out! Entrosync doesn't like people who don't use proper grammar and spelling! Besides, it takes time to complete these massive updates, and there are only 15 people working on the game....................

Iamnoone's picture
Psychodestroyer took my words so...

/throws a knife a papaya hoping to nab me a slice

Bobertg's picture
You all forgot something important.


thanks papaya

Thank u papaya. And i didnt know that such few people were working on the game. And for the spelling it was quick typing and i accidentally missed a letter, big deal.

Softhead's picture
You've ever heard of TBA?


Juances's picture
Artistbma's picture
Pst, Papaya, if you were

Pst, Papaya, if you were criticizing him saying stupider rather than more stupid, I just wanna say both ways are possible.

Hawxindanite's picture

Also, just to add, stupid is has no comparative OR superlative form since you can't get any worse than stupid, only in your imagination. So BURN GRAMMAR NAZIS! YOUR ENEMY IS HERE! Well more like hypocritical anti-grammar nazis.

Gwenyvier's picture
Why such a broad rough

Why such a broad rough estimate? Probably due to only having 8 developers on the team, having to write the coding for how they work, test them, bug test (test server), fix any bugs they create, and one of the most important parts... balancing them. Oh, also while still doing promos and other events also. So sometime within the next 6 months is actually a good time frame. If they cause no issues and magically get the balancing down on the first go they could be out 2 months from now. EXTREMELY unlikely to happen, but it could be possible. Much more likely they'll come out around May.

The post announcing them coming was pretty much a "this is what we're working on" thread. They're still in the developmental phase, not almost done and getting ready to be shipped to the test server for final testing.



unlike the rest of you complaining about how unreasonable it is to ask for an estimate.... yeah they could atleast give an estimate its not unreasonable.

apparently psycho's didnt go to school cause papers usually have due dates not turn it in whenever you want.....

and dont gimme the "you cant rush perfection" cause guarentee there will be another patch to fix allllll the bugs after making pets....

Aureate's picture
Processing Thoughts of Grammer Nahtzees

Obviously the best solution is for OOO to give us no notification of what is going on whatsoever.
Then everyone can be happy!

Ubernerd's picture

Like the rest of you complaining about how unreasonable it is to ask for an estimate.... Yeah they could give an estimate, but it's unreasonable.

Apparently Psycho did go to school 'cause papers usually have due dates which can sometimes be short and lead to diminished quality of the work.

And gimme the "you can't rush perfection" speech 'cause there shouldn't be another patch to fix allllll the bugs after making pets.

^ I fixed it.

Have you ever written any code, Brettu? Even a little bit? Even a "Hello, World" program? No? Yes? I dunno, but it sure doesn't sound like it based on what you think you know about what you're saying.

Autofire's picture

About programming...

If anyone has ever tried to do Project Euler, you'll know that it is hard to get some programs done quickly. Let me show you something that happens often when programing quickly:

x = 3;

With x being a integer type variable (One which holds a number), this simple line of code gives x the value of three. Then look at this:

x == 3;

The == means "Does 3 equal x?" Depending on the result, it will return 1 for true or 0 for false. Knowing all of this, let me show you a little trial program:

  1. #include "stdio.h" (Changed because of html formatting)
  2. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  3. int a;
  4. a == 3;
  5. input = atoi(argv[1]);
  6. printf("%d plus %d equals %d\n", argv[1], a, argv[1] + a);
  7. return (1);
  8. }

(You might not know what some of these mean, especially the printf.... part. Don't let this slow you down.)

So, if the program is called example, then what I expected when I type ./example 6 is for it to do 6 + 3 and print the result to make it look like this:

6 plus 3 equals 9

HOWEVER, it does this:

6 plus 134513673 equals 134513679

I'll give you some time to figure out what went wrong....










Times up! Look at the line which says:

a == 3;

This causes the program to check "Does a = 3?" and then returns 0 because it actually equals 134513673, not 3. The intended piece of code was:

a = 3;

To make a have the value of 3. This happened just because of one extra = symbol! I'm sorry if my example is hard to follow, but it's probably one of the simplest one I can offer. When you have a small program like this, issues aren't hard to spot, but when you have a 100 page one, things get tricky. So you see, programming isn't easy when you are working on a large project. Don't be impatient, please. ^.^

TL;DR: Programming has many potholes which even the best of IDEs or compilers can't spot, so huge programs can take ages to fix when a single typo is made. Virtually every programming language is like this, and fixing it would be harder then landing someone on the moon.

Ubernerd's picture

Yeah. What that guy said. ^

Psychodestroyer's picture

"apparently psycho's didnt go to school cause papers usually have due dates not turn it in whenever you want....."

You really are an idiot aren't you? The deadline gives you more time than you actually need to finish the task, so you have time to finish the task.

They could ask you to finish it in two hours if they wanted, but that wouldn't be very considerate considering the workload, would it?

Then again, with extra time there's the chance to hand it in early...

See the parallel?

Get your facts straight before pretending you know what you're talking about.


Also, the only people complaining about not getting a closer estimate are the ones ignorant of the time, skill and difficulty that is present in programming. Saying 'it's not unreasonable' is like saying I can do a backflip because I know how to jump; ridiculous.

I suggest you clam up and do a little light reading before telling people that their education is lacking.

Feline-Grenadier's picture

As the guys ^ said, it's better to give a rough date and get it done comfortably.

Take Dead Frontier for example. The solo developer only put in a new series of weapons, which turned out to be a bit crappy. However, when he comes out with the bigger updates, he doesn't give himself a time pressure. This way, that dev could take as long as he wanted to add content, and still spend his time doing other things (family, possibly other jobs, etc.) The fan base at first was really impatient, and some still are, but they understood that dev's situation and were grateful that the dev could get everything done without screwing up his life. Remember, this developer was going solo.


Since they said they're working on it; it's better to give an estimated release date than an exact one. No one knows what sort of complications they will encounter and the time used to plan+implement+test+check+fix+run+test+check+fix+run......

So be patient and wait.

Theopholis's picture
Why can't you guys just ever be excited for something…

I mean come ON. This gives you time to save up ALL your crowns until the release. So that your pet can be the awesomest.

Be nice people.

Halisi's picture
Calm down, your all pretty XD

The BatS "I call this to be, thee official acronym" update is not the only update they are working on, remember that dark ritual?

Hexzyle's picture

unlike the rest of you complaining about how unreasonable it is to ask for an estimate.... yeah they could atleast give an estimate its not unreasonable

Or they could just leave us in the dark like they used to and put up with our complaining about leaving us in the dark.
The reason they're telling us what's coming up is because we asked them to. They didn't have to, so stop complaining.
They did give us an estimate. Mid year is an estimate.

Xxpapaya's picture
The papaya giggles

Maybe he can't do math ^^ In that case, mid year is around June. Let's sing the "Months Song" ^^ January, February, March and April, May, June (the 6th month ^^), July, and August, September, October, November, December, these are the months of the year!

Dhmorgousbord's picture
If you're going to complain

If you're going to complain about OOO not being straightforward, you should go complain about Valve not being straightforward.
"Half-Life 2: Episode 3 will be out, uh, sometime in the future. Eventually. Maybe..."