Battle Sprites: An option or a must-have?

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The-Rawrcake's picture

Will the new pets that assist us in combat be something that we see literally every player with just because there are no benefits for not having one?

I am not concerned with wether or not they are needed to kill stuff, since this game is definitely completable without them.

What I am wondering is if this will become the only playstyle - if there are no benefits for playing otherwise.

Krakob's picture

You won't be able to avoid getting them. As I've understood it, they will be equipped similarly to any other gear. Likewise, you can go without everything but armour and headgear. So I'm guessing it is optional but there'll be no gain in not bringing a sprite down in the Clockworks.

Softhead's picture

Mission you have to play to get authorisation.

I obviously hate the starters, and generaly pets in general, so, nope.

Melonfish's picture

Generally saying stuff in general is kind of a thing, isn't it?

Little-Juances's picture

If we survived this far without them, you can continue that way. Altought new players may be forced to do such missions to advance rank. Well their abilities are activable, you could ignore them and just let them follow you.

MAAAYBE there will be new levels with puzzles that require interaction with the sprites, but I doubt it.

Feline-Grenadier's picture

That'd be messed up if they removed the pots in those switch-gate parts.

The-Rawrcake's picture
Little-Juances said, "MAAAYBE

Little-Juances said, "MAAAYBE there will be new levels with puzzles that require interaction with the sprites, but I doubt it."

I see them possibly creating monsters that have special attacks etc that have something to do with pets.

If any of these happen, which I guess they haven't said anything regarding this yet, there will likely be instances where battle sprites can be a must-have.

Xxpapaya's picture
The papaya is puzzled

Well, I'm pretty sure we've had them in the past...........Nick mentioned that Sprites used to be mechanical when the knights were on the skylark, but when they crashed, the energy signature of the core affected them, giving them life.

By the way, are you related to (or are) Juances? :3

Hexzyle's picture
You could just dequip them.

You could just dequip them.

Batabii's picture
I kinda hope they balance

I kinda hope they balance them a bit, with downsides (like slot upgrades for trinkets/weapons) so that people won't feel like they HAVE to use them.

Zaffy-Laffy's picture
Zaffy is Laffy

I believe the only reason it is a must have for everyone is to prevent drama.

If OOO made pets only for the rich... then...

Derp : hay lookz, OOO only carez bout moneh, vary unfair D:

So in the end, everyone gets a pet, but perhaps a downside too.

Iapnez's picture
On the bright side, they'll

On the bright side, they'll make the shadow lairs easier than they already are. Hurp debuff all monsters in a crowded area. Hurp defend all allies in a certain area. Drakon is supposed to be Shadow and Elemental fire? Hurp Ice Queen easy mode. :I