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Legacy Username

Okay, here's my problem with demons.

Every enemy I've encountered can be interuppted. That is if you finish your sword weapon's combo (or you're just using the Khorovord) then they hiccup and have to restart an attack, the same as a knight does when they're charging and get hit.

NOW here's the problem with Demons - they throw stuff.

So, as soon as they pull something out, it is going flying. EVEN IF YOU KILL THEM.

Which is, in my opinion a fairly large problem. They're like a combination of wolvers and gun puppies. Which is just brutal.

They're good, they're a challenge. I just feel they stick out really oddly in comparison to all other enemies in that I can slay one, and still get hit with a chair or briefcase they had yet to throw, even though I killed the little bugger.

Also, you are all sadistic for making it so you can no longer just kill the Boss demon to prevent upgrading. I laughed when I discovered that you just made one of them have a sudden "promotion" to boss demon and then start running around to his friends. Great stuff. Kinda reversed the tactics back to kill all the little guys as opposed to kill the boss. Which I think works better.

Legacy Username
I killed a demon but managed

I killed a demon but managed to get killed by an office chair! Not my finest hour. It did feel a little unfair.

I love the sudden 'promotion' when you kill the original manager. Even the way he promotes demons to different types if brilliant - YOU'RE FIRED! Oh, he's a fire demon. Love it.

Legacy Username
I am a little confused about

I am a little confused about the internal hierarchy. If the boss is killed, shouldn't a demon who would be good in management (the green ones) be promoted first? I feel like a green one should be promoted first if possible most of the time. Or if a normal one is promoted while a green one exists, when the green one sees that he should flip out and become just as, or more, enraged as the red and purple ones.

Coriolis's picture
Game Master
Either the green demons are

Either the green demons are not working, or that is part of the joke. The green ones have been promoted to middle management, and do absolutely nothing. They just follow the boss around. This could be another corporate workplace jibe. lul, management does nothing and is completely ineffective.

Legacy Username
Yeah, I'm with Cire_Arodum

Yeah, I'm with Cire_Arodum ont he whole, "Greens turn Blue before Purple." In my work place, all the supervisors or STRIVING for that next promotion.