The younger Lichen colony saw his chance to strike while the Alpha Lichen was busy attempting to kill the Knight, so he slid into action! The older and more experienced Lichen colony was expecting mutinous behavior from one of the younger Lichen colonies, considering the time of year for Lichen Colonies to fuse was drawing near, and the Alpha Lichen colony always had first pick of suitable Lichens. The younger Lichen was not expecting such a quick reflex from the veteran Lichen, and found himself fighting battle in which he could not win! The sheer force of the larger Lichen was too much, and the young Lichens life was ended swiftly, a root through the nuclei ending it all.
Two slimes got buttmad at each other and started bludgeoning one another until the smaller one died.
I saw the exact same thing in a similar danger room, though both were giants. Good times.