Heey everyone :) Let me introduce my very new Guild Project. This guild is totally different from any other guild around! At least i will try to make it different lol. The main objective of the ACC is to focus on the community. Yep, i mean, i(or we) dont care about gear. We dont care if you dont speak english very well, like me :S. Since no one ever heard of this(becouse its new lol), im accepting all players of all skill levels and all tiers, and i will keep accepting even if the guild grows big. I dont know how to say this :S, but the purpose of the guild name is to highlight the inner beauty of every Knight, unleashed through the friendship and love :). We, all the time, enjoy what the Spiral Knights game truly has to offer, and that includes the whole enviroment of the game, like the marvelous soundtrack and game desing, and mainly, the game community.
Our home ... it would be Haven itself. That’s why im not planning to put CR on the Guild Hall. Becouse, sincerely, almost all guild halls looks exactly the same... And besides everything, our goal is to achieve freedom and love, and the guild halls just, somehow, kills the freedom. And by freedom i mean, you can do whatever you want whenever you want, it doesnt matter if you like pve or pvp, as long as you understand the purpose of the guild :). A “Cafe” is a place where you can buy things to eat, sit in some place, and chat with your friends or Family...our Cafe is Haven! :)
“Okay...but why Atlantic Coast?” 2 reasons actually. One it would be that i kinda live in the Atlantic Coast, and when im at the beach, i always get a feeling that really looks like the feeling i feel(lol) when im sitting in Haven, talking to my friends, or something like that. Another reason it would be just a comparison of the real beauty of the Atlantic Coast beaches and the beauty that we can, by ourselves, transcend.
That’s it :), if you are interested in joining, just PM me or send a mail, my IGN is Sylvzz.
Thanks for reading, I really tried to say what I wanted here, and it was kinda hard since english is my second language :P
GL with the guild though. :)