Hey everybody! I'm seeing a lot of restricted roleplaying lately. Some restrict the races you can choose from, some restrict your personality, while others restrict your goals. In this roleplay game, very little is restricted. You can be whoever you want, be it hero or villain, knight or gremlin, snipe, stranger, or whatever the heck you wanna be. You can do whatever you want; defeat Vanaduke, scam a proto noob, or even enter the Core.
However, I also want everyone to play fair. That means no godmoding (taking control of someone else's character), and don't try to do anything that would have permanent effects on the game and can't be written off, like opening the Core. You also can't be an NPC, since everyone wants to be Feron and Vanaduke, but there's only one of each. Don't use any items you didn't see in-game; it's okay to use the Battle Arena Antigua (like I do), for instance, because it was seen in the Battle Arenas. It's also okay to use some GM stuff like the Purring Cap, removed stuff like the Jaws of Megalodon, and such like, since it once existed in-game. You just can't use the Banstick, though, as that would be OP. You know, reasonable restrictions, right?
I strongly recommend that you open with a character application (though I don't reject anybody, and you certainly don't have to make an app). I recommend using this template:
Name: (John Doe? Joe Blow?)
Appearance: (red or green? round eyes or almond eyes? normal height or tall height?)
Arsenal: (Calibur, Brandish, Blaster, Cobalt set...)
Loadout: (Calibur, Cobalt set...)
Bio: (Once upon a time, in a faraway land...)
Role: (Villain? Hero? Extra?)
You don't have to abide by this template if you don't want to. It's totally up to you.
Other than the few aforementioned restrictions, have fun!! <3
Name: Dezna (no, not Desna the NPC)
Appearance: amber color; delicate eyes; extra tall height
Arsenal/Loadout: Tailed Recon Ranger Helm with goggles (raised when not in use); Draped Azure Guardian Recon Ranger Armor with Amber Proto Crest (female variant armor); Recon Ranger Shield (same shape as Blackened Crest); The Third Troika (shock troika; it's legit, honest!); Battle Arena Antigua (looks like Blackhawk with ventral wing; seen in use by arena knights. Not a Sentenza)
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Role: party leader, protagonist
Arsenal Description:
Tailed Recon Ranger Helm: 5*, resists normal & pierce
Draped Azure Guardian Recon Ranger Armor: 5*, resists normal & pierce
Recon Ranger Shield: 5*, resists normal & pierce
The Third Troika: 5*, shock troika
Battle Arena Antigua: 5*, pierce