sometimes, i just have to get up and leave the computer. even if in the middle of an arena.
I am willing to pay the price of the respawn, however, if i leave for too long it sends me back to the arcade. what gives?
shouldn't OOO be happy to let us spend our energy in any way? isn't our time in dungeons unlimited? if I where counted as AFK, shouldn't it just log me out?
staying dead = dungeon boot = bad
I don't know why exactly was the booting for idle players introduced but i can tell you that it takes 10 minutes to get booted for idling
It's not about being AFK. It's about being dead for too long. So I guess you could say our time in dungeons is not unlimited indeed.
shouldn't OOO be happy to let us spend our energy in any way?
Nope. There's plenty of ways in which you're not supposed to spend your energy. ;) Maybe this here is in place so you don't abuse mist energy, I dunno.
I agree, I don't see the point of this either. Sometimes after the party wipes people like to hang around and talk about whether they should rez, or what they could have done better, or just to say "oh well we tried and it was a good effort" and make friends with the random people that you met during the run. It seems the game allows you very little time to do this before booting you for being dead.
Auto-booting for idleness is different and should be left in place, for those cases when the host gets disconnected and nobody can go on or boot him. Happened to my team once in Jelly King room, before we all stepped on the "go on" button, and it took forever for the host to get auto-booted. On the bright side, that's how I discovered that I was able to solo Jelly King.
@Kaybol I'm not sure how exactly one could abuse mist energy this way. It still regenerates at the same slow rate, and you'd still get kicked out for idleness so it's not like you could wait forever for the regen. (I suppose if you had an anti-idle program you could slowly do a dungeon over the course of several days, using the mist energy to revive yourself - and wouldn't that be an efficient exploit. Take a week to do a level - revive yourself with mist energy - ??? - Profit! :D)
There are more lucrative ways to exploit mist energy... I don't know why this is in place either. I don't particularly mind it. There have been prior (fruitless) discussions about it (and other pre-release "features") here:
"It's not about being AFK. It's about being dead for too long. So I guess you could say our time in dungeons is not unlimited indeed."
No, this is incorrect. You very much can and WILL be booted for simple inactivity in the clockworks. It's happened to me several times.
What's more, it is well known that idleness is the factor that causes these force logouts. Whether or not your character is dead has nothing to do with it.
And, about your other point .... personally, once I've spent hundreds of energy clearing multiple tiers, and I need to leave for a few minutes to answer the phone, or do some chore, or make a snack, I do NOT want to be getting booted out of the clockworks and losing all of that energy just because the game doesn't think I deserve to be there unless I can give it my undivided attention for four or more hours.
When energy has a real-world currency value, anything that the game does that forces you to waste it not on CONTENT, but on nuances of the server and client .... well, it really is unfair. I paid real-world money that I worked real-world time to earn in order to get that CE, and I'll be damned if I'm forfeiting it because I need a 10-minute pause on depth 25. It's unrealistic, absurd, and unfair.
When energy has a real-world currency value, anything that the game does that forces you to waste it not on CONTENT, but on nuances of the server and client, are an insult. I paid MONEY for that CE, and I'll be damned if I'm forfeiting it because I need a 10-minute pause on depth 25. It's unrealistic, absurd, and unfair.
that is my point too...
could it be for the good of the rest of the team? if there is this one jerk that wont leave or rez or do anything, the boot should get him.
know what would be better though? leave it in the hands of the host to boot himself.
i am against ANY auto-boot feature, because if it makes you waste energy then it is the game itself that is screwing you, and not just another player that you can ban from your games or ignore.
@Arterra, Well, in cases where you're dragging down a party through an excessive AFK, I'm glad that there's a way to remove a team member by force. It sucks to be that team member, but when you're sitting for five minutes on a button and your fellow knight is just staring in the opposite direction a few feet away, it becomes a burden on other players of the game at that point. People are usually booted by their co-knights well before the 10-minute time limit in these cases anyway. :)
Where I'm mostly not a fan of the feature is in solo mode -- I understand that your knight in the clockworks occupies a small amount of system resources on an instance server, but .... frankly, he/she paid his/her energy to get down there, and so, the respite is more-or-less paid for. If we can't let people squat indefinitely, at least an EXTENSION of the time limit would be nice. Maybe thirty minutes in solo mode?
Or perhaps make it a function of energy spent on the tier run so far? If you're seven depths down from the subtown, the energy loss involved in a surprise trip back to the arcade is much greater, and falling to that fate only because you took more than 10 minutes to feed the cat and take out the trash -- yeah, like a kick in the teeth. :(
And, about your other point .... personally, once I've spent hundreds of energy clearing multiple tiers, and I need to leave for a few minutes to answer the phone, or do some chore, or make a snack, I do NOT want to be getting booted out of the clockworks and losing all of that energy just because the game doesn't think I deserve to be there unless I can give it my undivided attention for four or more hours.
Oh please, could you blow this up any bigger? How many hours did you spend to get to that floor, and how many hundreds of energy? You don't need to give this game four hours of undivided attention. And you lose 10 energy at most when you get booted, that's less than $0.04 we're talking about. Well boo hoo... that couldn't have cost you an hour's wage. And yes, it's only 10 energy, the rest you already got your crowns, materials and tokens for.
But I forgot, you're not trying to make a point here. This is just another rant / flame / whine thread where kids are crying till they get their candy.
Move your mouse once every 10 minutes and you'll be fine. Heck, there have even be suggestions of putting a stapler on your spacebar if you need to step out. Personally, I don't see what's the deal. If you don't have time to play, you can easily take the elevator back up and come back later and not lose anything. Just take the elevator straight down to floor 8 or 18 when you come back.
Move your mouse once every 10 minutes and you'll be fine. Heck, there have even be suggestions of putting a stapler on your spacebar if you need to step out.
there is no way to not get autoboot if you stay dead. that is why i am "complaining"... im ok with using energy to rev back up if i need to go do something else for ten minutes.
What is more valuable than CE tho is TIME. the time it takes to get back down to the lower levels is more valuable than that $.04 you cited.
But I forgot, you're not trying to make a point here. This is just another rant / flame / whine thread where kids are crying till they get their candy.
lol. so meta. flamers complaining about flaming. what's next, cats and dogs cowering while it is raining geckos?

lol. so meta. flamers complaining about flaming. what's next, cats and dogs cowering while it is raining geckos?
This literally doesn't mean anything.
And, to summarize my argument against your post: AFK people are wasting server resources simply by being online but not active. You get the same boot for standing around in town, where you're not causing any mob spawns, mob interactions, or loot drops. It actually makes more sense, for server stability purposes(which is likely the reason AFK kick exists), that you be booted when in a dungeon than otherwise.
I realize that, in your little world, OOO is out to get you and you're a victim. However, if you put more than a second into thinking about your crying, you'll see that the world really doesn't revolve around you and that if you have a real problem with this, stop dying. Park yourself somewhere intelligent before going AFK. And once you find a nice spot, set something on your keyboard to prevent auto-kick. Hell, if you're REALLY that concerned about it, invite a friend to your group, then go back to haven, and have your friend hold the spot/progress for you while you're off pooping or whatever drew you away.
Pretty much every online game in existence has an autokick feature, and some of them have autokick features shorter than 10 minutes.
im sorry but flamers trying to act indignant make me chuckle. man i miss forums where people said things without the negative connotations...
anyways, back to the real world
i understand that OOO installed it for keeping the server a-okay. however, people can easily bypass it by placing a stapler on a button, as the last troll actually rightfully said correctly. being dead simply means that i am unable to actually reset the boot timer.
also, i am not talking about a actual afk boot, i am talking about the back-to-haven boot after staying dead. the counter is shorter than the afk boot.
is to too much to for me to ask for to not waste my energy on what should be a semi-casual game? face it, this is no WoW. i should be able to get up and do something, and come back for some more slaughter.
I hate it when i have to get up and do something else while in the middle of an arena. and yet, sometimes everyone has to. if i remain dead for too long, i lose the energy i spent getting there and the energy on opening the gate itself. Not to mention the economic loss of all the heat and crowns i could have acquired by reviving, and killing it all.
If i am playing solo, the you are bringing down the team mentality is moot. and frankly if OOO servers are overloaded, they should definitely expand and either offer more options for CE or even charge more, since this game is one or two forum invasions away from getting big.
So before you go all rampage on someone else, consider that there is solid thinking behind actual arguments, and not dismiss it with a set mindset.

So before you go all rampage on someone else, consider that there is solid thinking behind actual arguments, and not dismiss it with a set mindset.
I'm just seeing this whole thing being blown out of proportion.
You can pass all of these things off as "this game isn't WoW", but in actuality, you're just insulting the company when you say garbage like that. No, it's not WoW, but it still has every right to the systems that the developers found necessary to impliment, and when you spout your whining and claim foul play, you're arguing against a team of people considerably more intelligent and qualified to make these decisions than you are.
The servers don't need to be under threat of overload for measures against useless population nodes to be in place.
im not insulting the game! my comparison to WoW was purely in a grinding and hours of play standpoint. this game is SPECIFICALLY designed as a couple of runs a day game. hence, it is not WoW.
wasting energy because i had to go do something else by getting booted from a casual game is not nice. least of all when you accept it in the middle of a map, where you already invested energy and are expecting returns.
The amount of flaming on these forums can get pretty ridiculous. Someone should be able to make a suggestion without being accused that they're whiny for not liking things just as they are. If no players ever made any suggestions I'm sure this game wouldn't be as good as it is today.
Pretty much every online game in existence has an autokick feature, and some of them have autokick features shorter than 10 minutes.
Actually, Arterra and I play another game that's instance based and casual much like SK and that doesn't have an autokick feature. So let's try to keep an open mind and realize there are different way of doing things. This game's only been out for about a month - isn't it a bit early to claim that nothing could or should change about it?
So before you go all rampage on someone else, consider that there is solid thinking behind actual arguments, and not dismiss it with a set mindset.
Thanks for calling me a troll. I see you're running out of arguments since you've decided to make it personal. :S
My reply was to dukelexon who was talking about going afk in a dungeon, whereas the topic is about the death timeout. And I couldn't help myself, his arguments were bogus and I had to point that out. He's hijacking your thread just to say he hates a certain feature. I just couldn't resist.
Yes I'm very frustrated with the amount of threads where people just whine about certain features, have no valid arguments so they decide to blow everything way out of proportions. "Taking hours / hundreds of energy to reach a floor." "Take a week to do a level abusing mist energy." It's way too exaggerated. I'd prefer it if people stayed objective, or didn't pretend to be. Opinions are valid, but if a feature might need changing then arguments are better.
As for your first post, I already replied to it. I don't know why the death timeout is in place, I don't think anybody besides the devs does (as with a lot of features in the game). It is much shorter than the AFK timeout. My guess is it represents "game over" but that's subjective. I won't argue about system resources, I don't know how much load an idle instance really causes (or would cause if it were allowed to linger).
P.S. I haven't seen any suggestions on the death timeout.
Imma break this down for you, nice and simple like (Always wanted to be a cowboy).
Anyway 45cents for 100 energy. Therefore;
4.5cents for 10 energy.
I'm guessing we can all agree to this point.
The costs involved with you having your own separate instance of the game, which is in effect not being used, tying up resources (costs electricity, costs money to pay maintaince workers to maintain the service, money in water to hydrate the worker, BALBLABBAbhhh) which could be used on other things, costs more than 4.5cents. Consumers get what they pay for, you paid 4.5cents to be there and you are extended privileges (such as idle time) and all that fancy jazz. After a certain point you begin to cost them money, thus cya later. Alternatively you may not be costing them money, but if everybody was allowed to do this there would be a cut-off point where it would.
Also, before you claim you paid for your energy, Three Rings has not drawn a distinction on how you earn your energy, only that you have it, so the person who got his 10 energy from selling materials or the person who spent real life money to get it is the same, thus everybody who is down there have the same rights, we've all spent our 4.5cents, it's just energy isn't transferable into real life currency.
Now about the AFK kick. From a game design point of view, using death to hide is kinda like cheating : / you're dead the game assumes you've given up, it's unfair to let you hide dead tying up resources for infinity, the game assume you'll revive, and find a hidey hole and that's when the AFK kick comes into play and assumes you've left your computer to take the dump of a lifetime or something (1/8th of an orgasm for a male y'know). This part here however is mostly my opinion and speculation, the above is simply common sense.
There are two styles of playing a game like this one, which is what Arterra was talking about when he said it's not WoW but a casual game. One is, you sit down and you play continuously for an hour or four. But the other is, you sit down and play for a few minutes at a time in between writing e-mails to your boss/feeding the baby/checking the oven/writing that final paper etc. There's a growing market of players in the latter category - I play a game called Pocket Legends, and it's full of players who used to play WoW and other games and gave them up in favor of a casual game because they like to play and have lives at the same time.
SK already has a game structure that fits those kinds of players well. It's instance based, with relatively short maps, and makes grouping easy. Extending death-kick time, and perhaps afk-kick time as well, would be an easy thing to do to make the game more appealing to the casual market. It's up to the developers to decide whether the benefit of appealing to more people would outweigh the costs of keeping them on the server when idle. We can speculate about the cost (I can't imagine a dead person uses up much server computation power, and the server would be running anyway whether they're there or not) but the devs are the only ones who know what it truly is. All we can say is, there's a demand for this feature among some of the players.
"I can't imagine a dead person uses up much server computation power, and the server would be running anyway whether they're there or not"
A dead person generating their own instances would use up more space than someone sharing a spot in Haven (this could be debatable as there would information sending to peers and back, but still an entire level generation, mobs, etc, MAYBE), or not logged on at all.
Assuming the most logical speculation is true, your reprieve from the boot kick would be to pay more for your energy to justify the costs.
Yet somehow there are games that cost less than this one and yet didn't find it necessary to implement such a feature. Maybe the extra revenue they get from attracting and not annoying customers exceeds any savings the feature in question might bring. that this game devotes more resources per player than other comparable casual-style F2P games (actually, I wouldn't call Pocket Legends "comparable," although they do share the same casual model and target demographic). Or perhaps those other games don't have the requisite population to make server cleanup a priority? Or perhaps that those other developers have limited resources and chose to devote them elsewhere, for good or ill?
@ Kaybol
heh sorry then, not too easy to distinguish targets... cookie?
"Yet somehow there are games that cost less than this one and yet didn't find it necessary to implement such a feature. Maybe the extra revenue they get from attracting and not annoying customers exceeds any savings the feature in question might bring."
That's even more speculative than my little costs rant. Speculating on business models and how some games have x feature some don't have y is just pointless, games aren't built to have interchangeable replaceable features, they're generally built with a concept in mind. The Devs know why it's in, so go post this on the suggestion forum as it's apparent we don't know for CERTAIN, we only can give best guess/common sense, but who knows the original idea for it might not be based of common sense.
Also this game is free, that 4.5cents can be gained for no IRL money, which would technically lower their profit per floor more, which I'm sure the developers considered.
When you reach T3 you will realize Spiral Knights is not a casual game.
@SirNiko - I'm T3.
Maybe "casual" game was not the right phrase for it. There are hardcore gamers who also like to be able to pause their gameplay when real life interrupts, and schedule their gaming around their lives and not the other way around. SK seems to attract a lot of them - just ask many of the former WoW players why they like this game. So I guess the term should be not so much "casual game" as "a game for people who like to also have a life."
RapBreon .... there's really no way to know at what point a character in a single instance would actually accumulate that 4.5 cents. And it's not just a 10 energy deal. When you're kicked off a single floor away from the last floor in a full clear, we could be talking anywhere from 70 energy on up. You basically pulled an elaborate cost calculation out of nowhere but meaningless speculation.
This, I can tell you for sure -- large server farms of the sort that MMORPGs require largely have fixed costs. They're either on or off, running or not, drawing power or not, connected to the Internet or not .... you get the picture. Whether a person went down into the Clockworks or not, it will cost the same to Three Rings. Whether there's 500 clockwork instances of 1000. It's not as though a person staying a little longer is costing "extra." Now, making a habit of it on a large scale will certainly tie up resources and force them to either expand or implement such a system of forced logout, but I would submit that:
A) Ten minutes is way too short, especially if you're several strata down from your starting point. Frankly, taking a dump can be a longer task than that sometimes!
B) Even if you assumed that everyone that did occupy those (again, fixed cost) resources briefly had to pay their "share" of what they took .... on a large scale, there's no way to know what that would be. It could be an infinitesimal fraction of a cent for every ten minutes per character, for all we know. It's split across who-knows-how-many machines, constantly running, and people are generally in the clockworks for only an hour.
I suspect the back-to-haven timer for a dead player is because of the way a party can drag someone down to the next floor, although it's not quite clear to me how that could be exploited. Maybe the devs just don't want people getting deep into the dungeons if they die in the first little bit of the shallow levels.

I'd rather hope the devs consider REMOVING the feature that kicks your whole party from the instance after a SPECIFIC TIME filled with social activity.
Disconnecting inactive players makes perfect sense though and that has been argued to death elsewhere already.
You'd rather want to play than wait for your leader who just died of a heart attack. (just hope he didnt fall on the keyboard)
I agree with the above, social activity should put the death-kick timer on hiatus, or at least extend it to a degree.
note: going solo, so don't say i was booted by another player.