So, this is an RPG me and Ghret have been working on. I had it in another thread, but no one replied. This is an updated version. Enjoy!
Spiral Knights that have not used Savage Worlds: If you enjoy table-top RPGs, I highly suggest Savage Worlds. LINK:
Savage World Freaks: If you simply stumbled on this looking for a Savage Worlds RPG, I highly suggest trying out Spiral Knights. LINKS:
Now then, Here is:
Savage Cradle
Fifteen years ago, the Spiral Order discovered the Alpha Squad within the Clockworks. Having reached The Core, the team set up a small Geo-Camp. However, they’re camp was discovered. Many gremlins soon swarmed around the camp, fighting till the death. In fact, the team that discovered them discovered also a large, nearby gremlin town. Upon return to the Haven, there was a celebration like none known to Spiral Knights. There was more to celebrate then that, however. While study Rulen (team Geo Knight) came up with a idea to harvest The Core and, after much testing and fighting, the Skylark took to the skies again. After they’re return to Isora, they decided to head back and study Cradle more. The Clockworks, however, have grown far more dangerous and teams of up to twenty now head in at a time, with strong brave leaders. A few of those leaders are you, the players.
Setting Rules
Weapons: weapons are much more restricted. When using a charge attack, use normal damage x3 the amount of dice. When attacking, follow the combo notes. Also, charge attacks take 1D8 rounds to charge, 1D6 at level +5 and 1D4 at level 10 and do the normal combo dice all together.
Parma charges her sword. The normal attack does str+D6+2, her strength is a D8 and the combo is 3 attacks, so she rolls 3D8+3D6. The +2 is ignored.
Also, weapons charge attack and end combo (on swords) have knock back. This is 1D4 unless otherwise specified.
Parma hits and rolls knock back. 3! All enemies are flung back, and those that hit things take an additional 1D6 damage!
Lastly, after a combo or charge attack, weapons must be “reloaded” (even swords). This takes an action.
Weapon XP (heat): for heat use the following table:
1 small ember is 1 “XP”.
1 large ember is 3.
1 huge ember is 5.
To get to level 2, 100 “XP” is needed.
For every level after, double the last time is needed.
Parma gets 250 heat in 1 level! Her gun is level 2, so it goes from 100 heat to 350 and is level 3. Her sword is new, so gains a total of 250 heat and is level 2. With 50 more, her sword would be level 3 and her gun level 4.
Status Effects:
Curse: This deadly effect deals damage to the victim when they attack or use an ability.
Tier 1/mild: does 1D4 damage when victim attacks or performs an action. Lasts 1D6 rounds.
Tier 2/good: does 1D6 damage and lasts 1D6+1 rounds.
Tier 3/strong: does 1D8 damage and lasts 1D6+3 rounds.
Fire: This effect does damage continually.
Tier 1/mild: does 2D6 damage every other round for 1D8.
Tier 2/good: does 3D6+1 damage every other round for 1D8+2.
Tier 3/strong: does 3D8+1 damage every other round for 1D8+4
Freeze: Immobilizes opponents and deals damage if it finishes.
Tier 1/mild: immobilizes victim for 1D8+1 rounds and deals 2D8 damage at the end. Any attack unfreezes the victim.
Tier 2/good: immobilizes victim for 1D8+3 rounds and deals 2D10 damage at the end. Any attack unfreezes the victim.
Tier 3/strong: immobilizes victim for 1D8+5 rounds and deals 2D10 damage at the end. Any attack unfreezes the victim.
Poison: This effect stops the victim from healing and harms those that try to heal him.
Tier 1/mild: stops victim from healing, drops parry and toughness 1 and healers suffer 1D4 damage for trying to heal. Lasts 1D6+1 rounds.
Tier 2/good: stops victim from healing, drops parry and toughness 2 and healers suffer 1D6 damage for trying to heal. Lasts 1D6+3 rounds.
Tier 3/strong: stops victim from healing, drops parry, pace and toughness 2 and healers suffer 1D6 damage for trying to heal. Lasts 1D6+5 rounds.
Shock: This deadly effect slows and does damage.
Tier 1/mild: lose a turn every 4 rounds and take 1D6 damage +1 for every other adjacent victim for 1D8 rounds.
Tier 2/good: lose a turn every 3 rounds and take 1D6 damage +1 for every other adjacent victim for 1D8+2 rounds.
Tier 3/strong: lose a turn every 2 rounds and take 1D8 damage +2 for every other adjacent victim for 1D8+4 rounds.
Sleep: This effect puts the victim into a magical sleep.
Tier 1/mild: victim sleeps (is completely immobilized) for 1D4 rounds but heals 1 wound every 2 rounds.
Tier 2/good: victim sleeps (is completely immobilized) for 1D6 rounds but heals 1 wound every 2 rounds.
Tier 3/strong: victim sleeps (is completely immobilized) for 1D6+1 rounds but heals 1 wound every 2 rounds.
Stun: This strong effect slows enemies heavily.
Tier 1/mild: shaken with no recovery for 1D6 rounds.
Tier 2/good: shaken with no recovery for 1D6+1 rounds.
Tier 3/strong: shaken with no recovery for 1D6+2 rounds.
Vials: All vials do damage (1D4 or effect’s damage) and 2"x2" area (tier 1), 4"X4" area (tier 2) or 5"X5".
Knights Of Cradle
Fighting, Shooting and Throwing (agi)
Due to training, all Knights receive a free D6 in all of the above. This always them to use every weapon known to Spiral Knights (bombs do not require a skill). Also, the new TN to hit with any and all of these skills is Parry.
Guts (spi)
This skill is not used and Spirit is used when needed (which should not be often).
Climbing and Swimming (str and agi)
The Spiral Knights armor and equipment are to heavy for either (I.e., neither are available).
Bad Eyes (minor)
Glasses cost about 1000 crowns.
Young (major)
None are allowed into the Spiral Order under the age of 13.
Cocky (major)
Your hero must spend the first round of combat (all of it) expressing why all his foes should give up now or lose a bennie.
Background edges
Arcane Background and Power edges
These edges are not available.
Combat edges
Trademark Weapon and Improved Trademark Weapon
These edges are not available.
Rock and Roll!
This edge is not available.
Requirements: Seasoned, Agi D10+, Fighting D8+
Your hero gains +1 to Agi trick maneuvers and +1 parry.
Brick Wall
Requirements: Seasoned, Sma D8+, Command edge
Allies shield’s within the Command Radius add +1 Toughness.
Shield Bash
Requirements: Seasoned, Agi D8+
When attacked, before attack, on a successful Agility roll, you may activate your shield long enough to knock enemies back.
Requirements: Veteran, Str D10+, Fighting D8+, First Strike edge
Your hero gains a free attack (not his First Strike) if an ally is struck and the foe is within range. He must attack that foe, however. This attack also is once per turn.
Weird edges
Beast Master
This edge grants a snipe or wolver cub that scouts and aids only slightly.
Swords: all/almost all swords have a 3 hit combo. When using this combo, you may not move except for 1" forward before the second and third attack.
Guns: basic guns half pace while being fired and shoot 6 times before being reloaded.
Bombs: bombs are timed after laid down and blow up in an area specific to the bomb.
Shields: shields have a toughness and can sustain 4 “wounds” before recharge (about 1D6 before recovering a wound every 2 rounds)
Armor/Helms: Most armor and helms add a vita amount to your knight (not in addition to Vitapods.) Armor and helms armor bonus stacks for your entire knight.
Parma’s armor and helm both add +2 armor, so she has a +4 armor bonus. Her base toughness is 6, so her toughness is 10 (4).
Dungeon Gear:
Vials: vials are accounted for above with Status Effects.
Status Capsules: This capsule requires an action but clears your knight completely of any and all Status Effects.
Health Capsules: This helpful item heals your knight.
Tier 1: heals 1 wound.
Tier 2: heals 2 wounds.
Tier 3: heals 3 wounds.
Vitapods: each Vitapod adds +1-6 to your knights vigor rolls. This bonus is known as “Vita” and (with armor, Vitapods and other bonuses) can go to +6. Your knight may only carry one Vitapod at a time.
Mecha Knight Kit: creates a Mecha Knight (Stats with monsters) that fights for you. 1 action to activate.
Please note: from here to the end of gear, prices are not listed. Go to the Spiral Knights Wiki, here:
NOTE: Unless other wise said, weapons do Normal damage and armor, helms and shields armor is applied as the same for all damage types. If it has a general armor and some other defense, then add both them against that type of damage. Also, if it has armor (or less) vs a Status Effect, then add it to normal armor vs an attack that does that damage type.
Parma is wearing Spiral Scale Mail and a Proto Helm when she is struck by a Wolfer. Her toughness is 6, +2 for the Proto Helm and +3 for the Spiral Scale Mail and +2 for it’s resistence makes her toughness: 13 (7).
Proto gear:
All knights begin with the following gear:
Proto Sword: This basic sword deals str+D6+2 damage. Charge attack hits the 3" in front of the knight, and 1" more straight in front of that (blast).
Proto Gun: This basic gun has a combo of 3, range of 4/8/16 and deals 2D6-1 damage. Charge attack knocks user back 1".
Proto Shield: This basic shield has a toughness of 6 (2). At level 5+, it adds +1 armor to the knight and +1 vita at 10+.
Proto Armor (Spiral Cuirass/Flack Jacket/Bragandine/Draped Armor/Culet): This basic armor adds +2 armor and no vita. At level 5+, it adds an addition +1 armor and +1 vita at level 10+.
Proto Helm (Spiral Tailed Helm/Crescent Helm/Sallet/Pith Helm/Round Helm): This basic helm adds +2 armor and no vita. At level 5+, it adds an addition +1 armor and +1 vita at level 10+.
0 star Gear:
This gear is barely a step up from the Proto Gear.
0 star Swords:
Beast Basher: This “blade” does the same damage as the Proto Sword and works the same however, it adds +1 damage (with charge attack: +2) vs Beast monsters.
Hatchet This heavy weapon does str+D8+1 damage but has a 2 hit combo, but requires 3 rounds to finish a combo (swing, break, swing). This weapon also has a reach of 1" on charge.
Robo Wrecker: This “blade” does the same damage as the Proto Sword and works the same however, it adds +1 damage (with charge attack: +2) vs Construct monsters.
Slime Slasher: This “blade” does the same damage as the Proto Sword and works the same however, it adds +1 damage (with charge attack: +2) vs Slime monsters.
0 star Guns:
Punch Gun: This powerful gun shoots twice before reload, knocking the user back 1" each shot. The charge attack knocks user back 2" and knocks them prone. Damage is 2D6+1 (+2 vs Constructs) and has a range of 5/10/20.
Stun Gun: As Proto Gun but has a good (25%) chance of doing good (Tier 2) stun and no -1 to damage.
0 star Bombs:
Proto Bomb: Hits a 3"X3" area dealing 3D6 Damage after 1 round wait. Has a fair (20%) chance of doing good (Tier 2) stun.
0 star Shields:
Iron Buckler: As Proto Shield, but toughness: 7 (3).
0 star Armors:
Fencing Jacket: Adds +1 armor (+2 at Level 5+ and +1 vita at Level 10+) and +2 Damage with Swords.
Vitasuit: This suit adds +2 armor and +1 vita (though +3 armor at Level 5+ and +2 vita at 10+).
0 star Helms:
Cyclops Cap: Adds +1 armor (+2 at Level 5+ and +1 vita at Level 10+) and +2 Damage with Guns.
Mining Hat: As Proto Helm but +3 armor.
1 star Gear:
Though still Tier 1, this equipment is much better than Proto Gear.
1 star Swords:
Bolted Blade: This sword works the same as a Proto Sword, though it causes two explosions (bursts) in front and has AP 2 and +3 damage.
Big Beast Basher: This sword works the same as a Beast Basher, but does str+D6+3 and +2 (or +4 on charge attacks) damage vs Beasts. It also does two explosions (bursts) on charge, not one.
Heavy Hatchet: This sword works the same as a Hatchet, but does str+D10+2 damage.
Prototype Rocket Hammer: This powerful weapon can deal str+D8+3 damage, the second attack moves the user forward 4" and the charge attack hits twice over the course of two rounds (2nd moves the user forward 1") and hits a 3"X3" area in front of the knight. NOTE: this sword can only be obtained by fighting Warmaster Seerus, and there fore CAN NOT be obtained in some setting versions (talk to GM).
Hot Edge: This sword works the same as a Proto Sword, but does Elemental damage and has a good (25%) chance of inflicting Minor (Tier 1) fire. It also does str+D6+3 damage and charge has two Bursts.
Rugged Robo Wrecker: This sword works the same as a Robo Wrecker, but does str+D6+3 and +2 (or +4 on charge attacks) damage vs Constructs. It also does two explosions (bursts) on charge, not one.
Super Slime Slasher: This sword works the same as a Slime Slasher, but does str+D6+3 and +2 (or +4 on charge attacks) damage vs Slimes. It also does two explosions (bursts) on charge, not one.
Static Edge: This sword works the same as a Proto Sword, but does Elemental damage and has a good (25%) chance of inflicting Minor (Tier 1) shock. It also does str+D6+3 damage and charge has two Bursts.
Thwack Hammer: This “blade” does str+D8+2 damage, has a fair (20%) chance of causing minor (Tier 1) stun and adds +3 (+6 on charge) vs Constructs.
1 star Guns:
Frost Gun: As Stun Gun, but freeze instead.
Pummel Gun: As Punch Gun, but addition +2 to damage.
Super Stun Gun: As Stun Gun, but damage at 2D6+1.
Zapper: As Stun Gun, but shock instead.
1 star Bombs:
Cold Snap: as Proto Bomb, but hits 4"X4" area, does 3D6+1 damage and has a good (25%) chance of causing good (tier 2) freeze.
Fire Cracker: as Proto Bomb, but hits 4"X4" area, does 3D6+1 damage and has a good (25%) chance of causing good (tier 2) fire.
Static Flash: as Proto Bomb, but hits 4"X4" area, does 3D6+1 damage and has a good (25%) chance of causing good (tier 2) shock.
1 star Shields:
Circuit Breaker Shield: This shield works as the Proto Shield, but is invulnerable to shock and adds +2 armor vs Elemental damage. At level 5+ it adds +1 armor to the knight, and at 10+, adds +1 vita.
Emberbreak Shield: This shield works as the Proto Shield, but is invulnerable to fire and adds +2 armor vs Elemental damage. At level 5+ it adds +1 armor to the knight, and at 10+, adds +1 vita.
Force Buckler: as Iron Buckler, but is invulnerable to stun and adds +1 vita.
Frostbreaker Shield: This shield works as the Proto Shield, but is invulnerable to freeze and adds +2 armor vs Elemental damage. At level 5+ it adds +1 armor to the knight, and at 10+, adds +1 vita.
Green Ward: This ward has toughness: 6 (2), is invulnerable to poison and (at level 5+) adds +1 vita and +2 at 10+. It also adds +3 armor vs Piercing.
Scale Shield: This ward has toughness: 7 (2), at level 5+ adds +1 vita and +2 at 10+ and has +2 armor vs Piercing.
1 star Armor:
Circuit Breaker Armor: this armor adds +3 armor, and Elemental defense: +2. It also adds +1 armor vs shock, but -1 vs fire and freeze. At level 5+, it adds +1 armor and +1 vita at level 10+.
Emberbreak Armor: this armor adds +3 armor, and Elemental defense: +2. It also adds +1 armor vs fire, but -1 vs shock and freeze. At level 5+, it adds +1 armor and +1 vita at level 10+.
Frostbreaker Armor: this armor adds +3 armor, and Elemental defense: +2. It also adds +1 armor vs freeze, but -1 vs fire and shock. At level 5+, it adds +1 armor and +1 vita at level 10+.
Spiral Scale Mail: This armor adds +3 armor and Piercing armor: +3. At level 5+, it adds +1 armor and +1 vita at 10+.
1 star Helms:
Circuit Breaker Helm: this helm adds +3 armor, and Elemental defense: +2. It also adds +1 armor vs shock, but -1 vs fire and freeze. At level 5+, it adds +1 armor and +1 vita at level 10+.
Emberbreak Helm: this helm adds +3 armor, and Elemental defense: +2. It also adds +1 armor vs fire, but -1 vs shock and freeze. At level 5+, it adds +1 armor and +1 vita at level 10+.
Fractured Mask of Seerus: This helm adds +2 armor, +2 armor vs Elemental and adds +2 armor vs shock and fire, but -1 armor vs poison and freeze. Charge time for Guns is -2 and at level 5+ it adds +1 armor, +1 vita at 10+. NOTE: this helm can only be obtained through the Warmaster Seerus mission, and there fore CAN NOT be obtained in some setting versions (talk to GM).
Frostbreaker Helm: this helm adds +3 armor, and Elemental defense: +2. It also adds +1 armor vs freeze, but -1 vs fire and shock. At level 5+, it adds +1 armor and +1 vita at level 10+.
Spiral Scale Helm: This helm adds +3 armor and +2 armor against Piercing. At level 5+, it adds +1 armor and +1 vita at 10+.
2 star gear:
This gear is just starting tier 2, but is barely better then 1 star gear.
2 star Swords:
Brandish: This sword does Str+D6+4 and does a charge attack hitting a 2" wide column 5" ahead.
Calibur: This general use blade does Str+D6+4 Normal damage, and the charge attack moves the user 1" forward and is a 360* degree spin.
Cutter: This swift blade does Str+D6+1 and swings 2 per turn (though each swing vs an immobile monster counts as two), and may combo up to 5 times. Charge takes two rounds, hitting 3 times for normal damage level (Str+D6+1) 3" in front, second round is a normal charge attack after moving 1" forward and still hitting 3" in front.
Searing Edge: Works as Hot Edge, but does Str+D6+4 damage and has a good (25%) chance of causing good (tier 2) fire.
Shocking Edge: Works as Static Edge, but does Str+D6+4 damage and has a good (25%) chance of causing good (tier 2) shock.
Spur: This deadly blade does Str+D6+4, and charge attack hits 3" in front and throws a projectile up to 4" in front, doing 2D6-2 damage to any opponent it hits.
Snarble Barb: This deadly rapier does Str+D6+3 Piercing damage that only has knock back on it’s first swing. Charge attack sends out a fan of 5 thorns hitting up to five enemies within a cone that’s 4" long and 6" wide at it’s widest (GM gets final call on what is hit). The damage these thorns do is 3D6+1.
Flourish: This deadly rapier does Str+D6+3 Piercing damage that only has knock back on it’s first swing and third attack moves you 3" ahead. Charge attack does Str x2+2D6 and moves you one forward. Charge may be followed up by the second two combo attacks.
Troika: This sword does str+D10+2 damage, combo is 2 and it takes 3 rounds to finish (Attack, pause, attack). Both swings have normal knock back and hit 3" in front. The charge moves the knight 2" forward and hits a 2"x2" square in front of the user for normal charge attack damage. The Troika also has a fair (20%) chance of causing good (tier 2) stun.
Wrench Wand: This general use blade does Str+D6+4 Normal damage, and the charge attack throws a projectile up to 4" in front, doing 2D6-2 damage to any opponent it hits. It also adds +3 (or +6 on charge) damage vs Constructs.
2 star Guns:
Autogun: This semiautomatic side arm is quite deadly and different from other guns. It’s combo or charge last two rounds. The range on each is a cone template, you can’t move while shooting (though you can change the attacks direction between rounds) and each round of attack counts as 2 attacks (charge attacks count as 3 per turn). The only way to dodge these attacks is an opposed agility roll. The guns damage is 2D6 per attack or 3D6 on charge.
Blaster: A standard hand gun the works like a Proto Gun with damage of 2D6+1 and range of 5/10/20. Bullets from this gun also knock the opponent 1" away per hit.
Catalyzer: This powerful gun works like a Proto Gun with the following additions: the gun’s damage is 2D6+1 and the charge attack is quite different. The charge attacks bullets hit automatically and orbit the target (use a marker to remember). These “bullets” explode when hit, causing 3D6+2 damage to all within 3"x3".
Cryotech Alchemer: This powerful Alchemer works like a Stun Gun, trading Stun for Freeze and also doing Elemental damage with a combo of 2. Also, if the target is hit, there is a 40% chance of hitting adjacent foes as well. Charge attack throws a ball that splits on impact having a 25% chance of hitting other enemies (GM decides what is hit, and should know what the deflecting bullets look like).
Firotech Alchemer: This powerful Alchemer works like a Stun Gun, trading Stun for Fire and also doing Elemental damage with a combo of 2. Also, if the target is hit, there is a 40% chance of hitting adjacent foes as well. Charge attack throws a ball that splits on impact having a 25% chance of hitting other enemies (GM decides what is hit, and should know what the deflecting bullets look like).
Prismatech Alchemer: This powerful Alchemer works like a Stun Gun, losing Stun and also doing Elemental damage with a combo of 2. Also, if the target is hit, there is a 50% chance of hitting adjacent foes as well. Charge attack throws a ball that splits on impact having a 25% chance of hitting other enemies (GM decides what is hit, and should know what the deflecting bullets look like). The damage is also improved to 2D8.
Pulsar: This Gremlin weapon does 2D8 Normal damage, normal bullets shot to at least Medium range hit a 3"x3" area and cause knock back, and range is 5/10/20. The charge attack count’s as a bullet at Medium range and does 6D8 (as a normal charge) that also pushes the user back 2".
Shadowtech Alchemer: This powerful Alchemer works like a Stun Gun, losing Stun and also doing Shadow damage with a combo of 2. Also, if the target is hit, there is a 50% chance of hitting adjacent foes as well. Charge attack throws a ball that splits on impact having a 25% chance of hitting other enemies (GM decides what is hit, and should know what the deflecting bullets look like). The damage is also improved to 2D8.
Voltech Alchemer: This powerful Alchemer works like a Stun Gun, trading Stun for Shock and also doing Elemental damage with a combo of 2. Also, if the target is hit, there is a 40% chance of hitting adjacent foes as well. Charge attack throws a ball that splits on impact having a 25% chance of hitting other enemies (GM decides what is hit, and should know what the deflecting bullets look like).
2 star Bombs:
Blast Bomb: This easy to use bomb does 4D4+1 damage, hits a 4"x4" area (after a waiting time of 2 rounds) and has knock back of 1D6.
Crystal Bomb: This deadly bomb is quite different from others. The round it’s laid down, a shard flies in a vertical path, 1 to each side of the knight, and 4 diagonal ones. These shards fly for 10", or until they hit something (moving 5" the first round). Damage if it hits is 2D8 Piercing damage.
Dark Matter Bomb: This bomb has a 1 round waiting, to do 3D6 within 3"x3" after which 5 addition bombs are placed. These bombs land around the first bomb in a star pattern and wait 2 rounds before doing 1D8 Shadow damage to anything one them (but only on it, not around). As stated before, this bomb does Shadow damage
Dark Reprisal: This bomb does 3D6-1 Shadow damage at the initial explosion which reaches 4"x4" and has a 2 round waiting. After this, every monster within the center square (2"x2") on your turn takes 1D6 damage. This extra attack only lasts 3 rounds. NOTE: this bomb can only be obtained by fighting Warmaster Seerus, and there fore CAN NOT be obtained in some setting versions (talk to GM).
Fiery Vaporizer: This deadly mist bomb creates a mist that lasts 4 rounds and covers a 4"x4" area after a 2 round waiting. This mist does not deal damage, but after every 1" moved on it, make a roll to see if you are inflicted with mild (Tier 1) Fire (Good, or 25%, chance).
Freezing Vaporizer: This deadly mist bomb creates a mist that lasts 4 rounds and covers a 4"x4" area after a 2 round waiting. This mist does not deal damage, but after every 1" moved on it, make a roll to see if you are inflicted with mild (Tier 1) Freeze (Good, or 25%, chance).
Haze Bomb: This deadly mist bomb creates a mist that lasts 4 rounds and covers a 4"x4" area after a 2 round waiting. This mist does 1D8-1 Elemental damage when first goes off, but also after every 1" moved on it, make a roll to see if you are inflicted with mild (Tier 1) Stun (Good, or 25%, chance).
Spine Cone: This barbarous bomb does 4D4+1 Piercing damage and hits a 3"x3" area after a 1 round wait.
Splinter Bomb: This bomb has a 1 round waiting, to do 3D6 within 3"x3" after which 5 addition bombs are placed. These bombs land around the first bomb in a star pattern and wait 2 rounds before doing 1D8 Piercing damage to anything one them (but only on it, not around). As stated before, this bomb does Piercing damage
Static Capacitor: This deadly mist bomb creates a mist that lasts 4 rounds and covers a 4"x4" area after a 2 round waiting. This mist does not deal damage, but after every 1" moved on it, make a roll to see if you are inflicted with mild (Tier 1) Shock (Good, or 25%, chance).
Toxic Vaporizer: This deadly mist bomb creates a mist that lasts 4 rounds and covers a 4"x4" area after a 2 round waiting. This mist does 1D8-1 Elemental damage when first goes off, but also after every 1" moved on it, make a roll to see if you are inflicted with mild (Tier 1) Poison (Good, or 25%, chance).
2 star Shields:
Bristling Buckler: This trusty buckler has toughness: 8 (3) and adds +1 damage for swords. It also has Piercing resistance: 2. It also adds +1 vita. At level 5+, it’s toughness is 9 (3), and at 10+, it adds a total of +2 vita.
Defender: This basic shield has toughness: 9 (4) and Piercing resistance: 2. It also adds +1 vita. It also adds +1 vita. At level 5+, it’s toughness is 10 (4), and at 10+, it adds a total of +2 vita.
Firebreak Shield: This elemental shield has toughness: 7 (2), +2 Elemental resistance, and +4 resistance vs Fire. It also adds +1 vita. At level 5+, it has toughness 8 (3), and at level 10+, it adds a total of +2 vita.
Icebreaker Shield: This elemental shield has toughness: 7 (2), +2 Elemental resistance, and +4 resistance vs Freeze. It also adds +1 vita. At level 5+, it has toughness 8 (3), and at level 10+, it adds a total of +2 vita.
Jelly Shield: This gelatinous buckler has a toughness of 7 (2) vs Piercing damage, 6 (2) vs Normal, and 5 (2) vs Shadow and Elemental. It also adds +2 vita. At level 5+, it’s toughness is 8 (3), and 9 (3) at level 10+.
Owlite Shield: This ancient buckler has a toughness of 6 (2) vs Elemental damage, 6 (2) vs Normal, and 5 (2) vs Shadow and Piercing. It also adds +2 vita and +4 armor vs Fire and Shock. At level 5+, it’s toughness is 7 (3), and 8 (3) at level 10+.
Plate Shield: This hard shield is designed for the worst combat conditions. It’s toughness is: 10 (3), adds +2 vita, and adds +4 armor vs stun. At level 5+, it’s toughness is 11 (4) and, at level 10+, it adds +1 armor to the knight.
Skelly Shield: This ancient buckler has a toughness of 6 (2) vs Shadow damage, 6 (2) vs Normal, and 5 (2) vs Elemental and Piercing. It also adds +2 vita and +4 armor vs Poison and Freeze. At level 5+, it’s toughness is 7 (3), and 8 (3) at level 10+.
Volt Breaker Shield: This elemental shield has toughness: 7 (2), +2 Elemental resistance, and +4 resistance vs Shock. It also adds +1 vita. At level 5+, it has toughness 8 (3), and at level 10+, it adds a total of +2 vita.
2 star Armor:
Cobalt Armor: This general use armor grants +4 armor and +3 vs Piercing and adds +1 vita. At level 5+ this bonus becomes +2 vita, and at level 10+, it adds +5 armor.
Firebreak Armor: This elemental suit works like the Emberbreak Armor but has +4 armor and +2 vs Fire, and lastly has a vita bonus of +1 to start. Also, at level 5+ it adds +2 vita and, at level 10+, it adds +3 armor vs Fire.
Icebreaker Armor: This elemental suit works like the Frostbreak Armor but has +4 armor and +2 vs Freeze, and lastly has a vita bonus of +1 to start. Also, at level 5+ it adds +2 vita and, at level 10+, it adds +3 armor vs Freeze.
Jelly Mail: This suit of slime adds +4 armor vs Piercing, but +3 vs every other damage type. It also adds +1 armor vs Stun and Sleep. Also, it has +1 vita and at level 5+, it adds +2 vita total and at level 10+, it adds +4 armor vs all damage types.
Magic Cloak: This suit of the arcane adds +4 armor vs Elemental, but +3 vs every other damage type. It also adds +1 armor vs Fire and Shock. Also, it has +1 vita and at level 5+, it adds +2 vita total and at level 10+, it adds +4 armor vs all damage types.
Skelly Suit: This suit of the dead adds +4 armor vs Shadow, but +3 vs every other damage type. It also adds +1 armor vs Poison and Freeze. Also, it has +1 vita and at level 5+, it adds +2 vita total and at level 10+, it adds +4 armor vs all damage types.
Spiral Demo Suit: This explosive mail adds +4 armor and Elemental armor: +3. It also adds +1 vita, and has charge time reduction for Bombs: Low (-1). Also, it has +1 vita and at level 5+, it adds +2 vita total and at level 10+, it adds +4 armor vs all damage types.
Spiral Plate Mail: This mountain of mail adds +5 (+6 at level 5+) armor, +1 vita (+2 at level 10+), though it decreases one’s Pace by -1.
Vitasuit Plus: This armor adds +3 Armor, and +2 vita. At level 5+, it adds +4 armor instead, and ay level 10+ it has +3 vita.
Volt Breaker Armor: This elemental suit works like the Circuit Break Armor but has +4 armor and +2 vs Shock, and lastly has a vita bonus of +1 to start. Also, at level 5+ it adds +2 vita and, at level 10+, it adds +3 armor vs Shock.
Wolver Coat: This fur coat armor grants +3 armor and +3 vs Piercing and adds +1 vita. Also, it adds +1 damage to Swords. At level 5+ this bonus becomes +2 vita, and at level 10+, it adds +5 armor.
2 star Helms:
Cobalt Helm: This general use helm grants +4 armor and +3 vs Piercing and adds +1 vita. At level 5+ this bonus becomes +2 vita, and at level 10+, it adds +5 armor.
Firebreak Helm: This elemental helm works like the Emberbreak Helm but has +4 armor and +2 vs Fire, and lastly has a vita bonus of +1 to start. Also, at level 5+ it adds +2 vita and, at level 10+, it adds +3 armor vs Fire.
Icebreaker Helm: This elemental helm works like the Frostbreak Helm but has +4 armor and +2 vs Freeze, and lastly has a vita bonus of +1 to start. Also, at level 5+ it adds +2 vita and, at level 10+, it adds +3 armor vs Freeze.
Jelly Helm: This helm of slime adds +4 armor vs Piercing, but +3 vs every other damage type. It also adds +1 armor vs Stun and Sleep. Also, it has +1 vita and at level 5+, it adds +2 vita total and at level 10+, it adds +4 armor vs all damage types.
Magic Hood: This helm of the arcane adds +4 armor vs Elemental, but +3 vs every other damage type. It also adds +1 armor vs Fire and Shock. Also, it has +1 vita and at level 5+, it adds +2 vita total and at level 10+, it adds +4 armor vs all damage types.
Skelly Mask: This helm of the dead adds +4 armor vs Shadow, but +3 vs every other damage type. It also adds +1 armor vs Poison and Freeze. Also, it has +1 vita and at level 5+, it adds +2 vita total and at level 10+, it adds +4 armor vs all damage types.
Spiral Demo Helm: This explosive helm adds +4 armor and Elemental armor: +3. It also adds +1 vita, and has charge time reduction for Bombs: Low (-1). Also, it has +1 vita and at level 5+, it adds +2 vita total and at level 10+, it adds +4 armor vs all damage types.
Spiral Plate Helm: This mountain of metal adds +5 (+6 at level 5+) armor, +1 vita (+2 at level 10+), though it decreases one’s Pace by -1.
Volt Breaker Helm: This elemental helm works like the Circuit Break Helm but has +4 armor and +2 vs Shock, and lastly has a vita bonus of +1 to start. Also, at level 5+ it adds +2 vita and, at level 10+, it adds +3 armor vs Shock.
Wolver Cap: This fur cap armor grants +3 armor and +3 vs Piercing and adds +1 vita. Also, it adds +1 damage to Swords. At level 5+ this bonus becomes +2 vita, and at level 10+, it adds +5 armor.
Alright, that's I've got. Ghret has a page, but we're still working on getting everything together. LINK:
Also, the other one will be Graveyard-ed soon. That's all. THANK YOU!
Alright, the other thread has been Graveyard-ed for those wondering.
That's all.