Hey! Life update: My family and friends bought me a 50 day vacation from april 7th to march 26th, I will not be on this month as i'm making arragements and well going away, however when I return there will be more events that will give away even more CE, Sorry guys and hold in there. BTW I'm thinking of a Fashion event using SL gear, so start working on your best SL costume!
Hello, Some of you may have noticed that I stated i'd be giving away stuff durring the month of April. Well, as a one year anniversary I would to propose 3 events in which I will give away a combined amount of ce equivalent to 40k ce through means of items, CE or other such things!
Now, Why should I give away that amount? I giving it away from the kindness of my heart. I will have 3 events:
1) Find the Alt!
2) Trolling Lockdown!
3) The Big Giveaway!
The rules for each will be simple and different.
FIND THE ALT: This will be a simple game of finding my alternate character. Finding my alt and sending him or her mail saying "I'll cure your winter blues." as the message will get you a prize from the following.
1st Place: 1100 ce
2nd Place: 900 ce
3rd Place: 600 ce
4-10: 200 ce
11-30: 100 ce
But be fast! It's only going to last from april 1st to april 10th
TROLLING LD: Equip your gear from items you won't bring to LD like Iron Slug, Callahan and the like, and avoid the clone items and you might find yourself getting ce in the mail! BRING ON THE LIZARDS! I will give away randomly 400 ce to ten people throught the days from April 11th to April 20th!
Now, there will be a post here with all the people who found my ALT in time for the first event. They will be the first people in this huge raffle that will give away a Black Kat Cowl with Freeze Medium! You chance to get this legendary helm that eluded you all durring the katastrophy that was prowling around before valentines day.
To join in the raffle, just find my alt and send him mail saying "Hey, Having fun yet?" To be entered into the raffle!
Raffle ends April 30th at midnight EST.
Reserved to post winners of FIND THE ALT!