Phantasia is now recruiting we are looking for t3 people and we are a new guild. that means that the first comers might become officer or a GM ^_^
To join plz PM me,send me a mail, me a message because I will invite u in ^_^
GM : Amhypoo
You also have to write the application with these questions
1: What is your IGN?
2: What is your Tier/What star is your equipment?
3:What is your timezone/ US or EU?
4: Do you play Lockdown?
5:Would you be willing to donate somewhat regularly to the Guild Treasury?
6: Why do you want to join this guild?
7:Will you stay here?
We hope to see u soon :D
"We lurk in the dark waiting....."
Well, I am already the GM of Devilish but I am nice, I think this is a cool name for a guild sooo....FREEE BUMP!