Yeah I am sure this has been posted before but I am going to repost with my own unique twist. With guild upkeep at 25,000 its become a full time job just keeping it out of default I don't have a hardcore guild and the guild members I do have I don't want to push into helping me bail out my own guild its retarded. Jesus Christ I don't make 25,000 a week and it only GETS ME 7 DAYS if this was a mature website I would cuss like a mother right now. Here is the math 25/7=3571 crowns a day.. And I can't even recruit unless I pay for this huge fee..
I don't care about the super over priced furniture and the fancy rooms that RAISE my guild upkeep jesus Christ at least in Puzzle Pirates just buying the Furniture was cost enough, now I have to pay rent for a guild hall I should own? Kiss my *** 3 rings all your good at is money grabbing... and I would know you've ruined Puzzle Pirates with OH WOW A NEW SHIP, OH WOW ANOTHER NEW SHIP OH WOW a NEW SHIP you make a item that takes like 250 pixels and you charge $9.99 wow what a steal and not in a good way!
Just look at this!! Puzzle Pirates SPYGLASS LOOK FAMILIAR FOLKS?? This is our future here at Spiral Knights, a whole ton of rinse wash and repeat just look at the new stuff haha its ALL MYSTERY BOXES and NEW SHIPS with a few poorly constructed holiday events that are basically the same every year.. Only the first few years are good I had higher hopes for Spiral Knights but I should of known.. and thats my rant
How about not buying rooms?