Forum rank suggestion..

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Legacy Username

Well I'm very new to this game and I know it's in an early stage, but I came on this forum for the first time and could not distunguish between good members, noobies like me, and staff members. I'm not saying we need a whole rank system with post counts, avatars, signatures, nothing like "SUPA DEV" y'know - just coloured names for staff would help.

This would be a benefit because:

1) It would help recognize who the friendly staff members are
2) We know that what the staff person says is true
3) I don't accidentally rage at you :D
4) You get a cool coloured name?

I'm sure there are other benefits, and other people who agree..

Also I have several suggestions for Forum organization, but I don't know if they are needed at this time.

Ty anyway!

Legacy Username
It's true that the forum

It's true that the forum needs... well, a lot of things! In the meantime here's a list of devs, for reference: nick, mjohnson, andrzej, Blackhat, Cory, wtfwtf_ok (best dev name ever), Poseidon, and Geordie.

edited: fixed a name

Legacy Username
i wish i was a SUPA DEV

Yeah I support this, I had the hardest time for a while figuring out who the actual devs were

Legacy Username

Thanks Rose! I've noticed that this forum consists mainly of friendly people, always glad to help and share! Hope it stays this way :]

Legacy Username
Sure thing! Feel free to add

Sure thing! Feel free to add me in game - I'm Carlsagan.

They'll probably make a more serious "official" forum...

It would be nice to simply move to some phpBB format, or a more advanced forum system. However the Devs are busy enough with the game I'm sure, so I'm not hoping for a forum transfer anytime soon. They'll probably make a more serious "official" forum as mentioned come the official release.

Pauling's picture
You forgot Boswick on this

You forgot Boswick on this list, and possibly others.

That said, this means that the list is longer than I realized. I've been referring to various staff as "one of my seven favorite devs" when describing the broad team of artists + coders that makes the game. But I'm too lazy to fix every place where I used the phrase, so I suppose that they'll all just have to battle amongst themselves now. 10 green shards for the winner!

Legacy Username
Boswick = Cory

Boswick = Cory

@pauling - I was going by forum names, not in game names.

Note to OP: I don't know all of the devs in game names, but most (if not all) of them are in the Three Rings guild.