As the subject says, Lotus Storm is now opening its doors for open recruitment.
What does this mean? It means we are now taking an active role in developing the guild and making a safe haven for players looking for a respectable place to chill in.
What is Lotus Storm?
LS is a guild made by Theredcomet for the sheer purpose of having a calm drama free guild where friendliness and not stats rule.
Wait, stats don't matter?
Correct, it doesn't matter if you are 2* or 5* with triple max UVs on all of your stuff. As long as your personality wins through and prioritizes friendliness, respect, and helpfulness you are more then likely to be recruited into this guild.
So wait, does this mean no LD, or anything?
While we are not a LD guild, our members do participate in LD for enjoyment, not so much winning first place on the leaderboard.
What about being a merchant? Do I have to give guild discounts?
Honestly no, no one is asking you to sacrifice your profits for the guild or anything. This is a guild for a place to chill with equally chill people and enjoy a game we all play and love.
Sounds pretty nice, how to I apply?
Simply send a mail to either Rwar or Budadose about joining. I am not going to list all the questions on this post simply because we feel applications require some actual thought process instead of mindlessly answering questions that more or less every other guild probably asks. So type with caution c;.
Also our Wiki info is here (though it is in need of an update, the overall guild info is still accurate) -
Herp bumping this, you are welcome to ask questions too, lord knows I prolly missed something to post since I'm on pain meds currently :c