If the knight's facial features were revealed. That would just be awful. Much of their appeal is, at least for me, in their ambiguous nature.
You know what would be absolutely terrible? [NOT A SUGGESTION]
They have a nose, if you look closely with some helms.
I think the cyclop hat or that Mining Hat shows a nose indent.
i bet were the Endrman from Minecraft. explains how we teleport from button to button and from lying dead on ground to Haven.
You can see a nose on Brinks the token trader. It's not obvious but you can see shading and a slight indent on him
It's easier to see our noses while wearing the Demo Helms
You can kinda see it in the image, but really just equip/preview any bomber hat (except Mercurial Demo), and get a side view.
I think I know what you're referring to...
But yeah, giving the Knights faces would absolutely shatter the image OOO has been promoting for the game for the past few years. I'm pretty sure everybody is happy with their faceless, enigmatic Knights with glowy eyes. I think there's VERY FEW people out there that actually want to give the Knights a defined face. Definitely a small minority of the community.
And yes. The Knights do have a defined nose. Find a helmet that shows even a little bit of the lower half of their face and just look at them from profile. There's even a little shading to indicate where their noses are if you look closely enough.
But all of those noses are black and not showing. I'm talking about something more... entirely visible and apparent, and not shadowy. That and hair of any size shape or colour! Imagine a knight with hair! That'd be scary, wouldn't it?
You have no idea how angry it makes me when my threads get moved..... Moved my minecraft thread? Never building anything spiral knights related again.... I've let it slide a few times, but if I put something in a forum, I want it to be discussed under that light. If you aren't willing to let me place things in the forum that I place them in, then why do you let others get away with it? Am I special? Do you hate me? You do hate me, don't you? Eurydice hates me. Eury or whoever keeps moving my threads. They hate me. They go to work, and they all sit about in their meetings- "Say Nick, don't you just hate Fehzor?" Yes, yes I do Eury, lets go move her threads for kicks. "Yes, lets." And thats how it goes, every meeting I bet. I'm not suggesting anything in this thread!FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Well that was a weird forum move...
whatever happened there o.O
whose moving the threads lol, how did this thread go back and forth? and you can see on my knight that i have a nose.
Yeah....that would sure suck if they did that...its a good thing that OOO knows better and would NEVER do something like that... U_U
probably i know what are you referring too... thats why Morgaroth posted "what would you think" to meet people opinions about OOO only working on cosmetic stuff, IMHO i dont count pets as major content like a new boss levels would be. because they only going to be a new attack where we can use it on... same levels. which kinda annoys me because we are stuck over the same stuff. but yes... they are new content but not as a new major content like boss levels, new enemies, etc would be. but that just my opinion.
Honestly i dont know why they only work on such cosmetic things. its enough with the stuff we have for now the game honestly its asking for new levels and bosses... not fancy stuff to make your knight a top model and look handsome while you kill vanaduke anyway i like the misterious form that our knight have now.
Oh and could you imagine if there were skin colors? Not the Prismatic glow that we've all grown accustomed to and fallen in love with? D:
The whole idea isn't so much scary as it is disturbing. We've spent so long with our faceless Knights and the faceless NPCs, fallen in love with and given them personality, that to give them a face would just be... wrong. I mean, just look at the amount of love shown through fan works that these faceless Knights from the stars have garnered. Only a small fraction of them even bother giving them faces unless they're humanizing them.
So, Fehzor, stop coming up with horror stories. I'm sure OOO knows how much we all love our Knights. I mean they did just make a Valentine's contest just for the purpose of having us show how much we love the Knights. It would be heartless of them to change them after something like that.
This is as much of a suggestion as my sense of humor is clean and sane.
Remember the bell boy? That was hot.
I honestly think it would be... kinda neat.
It does ruin one of the most unique characteristics of knights, but it opens so much about what we are, what kind of planet we come from, etc.
I'm not 100% all-for it but yeah.
Also, I get the feeling the you-know stuff is just helmless knights.
aww really people want more cosmetic stuff instead new content like bosses, levels and enemies? that really dissapoints me. now i see why ooo its being lazy with that kind of stuff :/
No posting spoilers from Spiral Spy. :P
No ruining a parody/scathing critique thread. :B
I don't know if that's ugly, cute, disturbing, or...
Wait, is the snipe shocked because of the knight's face?
It would also appear that we have ears from looking at the new aura/armour preview features.
I can say the idea of knights being anime characters underneath never occurred to me, and oddly I'm about 60% in favor of it.
Magic hoods would be ruined forever.