How does the party finder work? Does it:
a) show you ALL available parties
b) show you all parties that you can ACCESS
c) show only the parties that are relevant to you?
A Question About the Party Finder
Wed, 02/13/2013 - 16:20
Uhhhhhh "C," final answer. Did I win?
Okay, so from what I've looked up and observed, it looks like the Party Finder shows you all available Clockworks (Arcade) parties that are relevant to your tier access, and shows you all available Missions parties that are near your level of mission completion. This is probably why people who have completed all of the missions only see parties for the latest few missions, i.e. Rank 9 missions. The Party Finder also shows you parties for Prestige/Danger missions, likely also based on your tier access.
These are just my guesses; please don't shoot me. I bruise easily.
EDIT: I'll also just put this here for your reference, in case it helps: