MOAR shield types plz

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Legacy Username

Right now there's a nice big selection of shields to choose from, they offer resistance to this or better defense versus that etc etc

but in reality they're all exactly the same! I hold the shield button, I am immune for at least a couple hits. The status-defense shields don't seem to make a huge difference to me, and the different damage types on shields don't seem to matter either when any shield seems to block any attack (at least once or twice).

There's a pretty big pool of different guns and swords with their own unique attack types, what if the same variety paradigm was applied to shields?

IE what if you could get shields that:

- are activated faster (or slower..!) when you hit the button
- once broken, recharge to full strength faster (or slower)
- withstand inordinate amounts of damage but don't let you move while they're up
- prevent you from being knocked around at all from big hits (hi lumbers)
- reflect enemy projectiles off in a random direction
- reflect enemy projectiles directly back to their source (bye gun puppies)
- only protect a 180-degree arc in FRONT of you rather than your whole body
- had different visual effects than the current blue->red bubble (swirlies??)
- knock back enemies all the time rather than just the moment you put it up or take it down (away with you, rock jellies)
- allow full-speed travel over spikes/brambles while active
- can only be activated for a few seconds at a time then must recharge, even if they take no damage

etc etc etc

Shoebox's picture
I like the way shields are

I like the way shields are now, because it makes them easier to balance.
I think if shields got any better, people would just turtle about with them constantly.
However I think there could be a few minor changes.

Bucklers should let you move and block at full speed, but have less shield health and defence.

Shields should be able to merge with other nearby shield's forcefields to create larger, more defensive barriers, as long as the line crosses over.

If you're using a lance (provided they're still planned for development) they should let you attack while you're blocking, but at reduced damage and with no combo.

I also had an idea for an item, called a Blockade Shield.
Which you could pick up while you were in a dungeon or in certain PvP/Minigame modes, that gave you a 180 degree defence that was impervious to attacks.
You can't attack while you're holding it and if you get hit while you are you drop it.
Pressing the attack button while holding it lets you slam it into the ground and create a barrier that can only be removed from behind.
So you could use them to block off corridors to filter larger monsters, protect yourself from bullets, push through hordes of monsters, etc.