I'm currently at mission 6-2 Hall of Heroes, with all previous missions completed.
I have no problem soloing the first two stages of the royal jelly palace and the ironclaw munitions factory, but I was wondering which one of those earns you more money.
Search function derped on me trying to find anything.
I find that RJP earns more than ICMF. It is also marginally easier; NO SHOCK status in RJP. I did RJP tons of times last year, and then I switched to ICMF for a while. When I went back to RJP it was easier than I remember... maybe because my gear was better.
I earned 2550 last night on RJP, but that was with the boss fight. ICMF normally nets a little less, ~2350.
Bring your night blade/silent night blade/acheron, and Dark Reprisal/Dark Reprisal Mk II/Dark Retribution! The boss is laughable with DR.