Hello! You may be thinking that I am a vog cub, but I am actually a Roarmulus twin in disguise! MUAHAHAHA!
(don't tell feron.)
Anyway, I thought I would make a diary on the forums to list off my experiences as a Roarmulus twin. It will be daily, so there won't be more than 1 entry a day, but it will go on until I am either caught by those meddling spiral knights, fed up with this game (never gonna happen), or deactivated by seerus (but i already killed him because he wouldn't give me a love puppy). It begins...now!
Succesfully infiltrated the haven. Even though I am a giant motherlovin' gun puppy, the don't suspect me as long as I wear this armor.
Also, note to self: pick up milk on the way back to the factory.
Currently met another knight dressed in the same armor as me. He has my name, too, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. After all, it's not like he's a Roarmulus Twin or something stupid like that!
Also, note to self: bid on 5* snarbolax coat before it reaches 200k crowns.