heya, I’m Solonita, or my friends call me Nita :D welcome to Fazhionita :3
What is Fazhionita ? Well it’s about fashion, stylish, character, and game. In particular it’s Spiral Knights. When I came to play SK, the very first idea I had that someday I would make an outfits collection for my character, and after ~ 1 year it already came true.
*some of my sets in collection done by me*
http://i.imgur.com/SDTiFbR.jpg :: Almirian Crusader
http://i.imgur.com/fyhHzdp.jpg :: Phantom of The Opera
http://i.imgur.com/0g8icIM.jpg :: Radiant
http://i.imgur.com/XHjR9fw.jpg :: (Not) Love Bunny
Through that time I realized something that it’s not only about the outfit, but also about the character, the emotion behind that outfit (or sometime it’s just for the LOLZ =} ). So I came up with Fazhionita: a small project that capture the people, the way they look, the way they think, the way the express through that look.
*so far I just able to get hands on few people =3*
http://i.imgur.com/I19psMT.jpg ~ Flamesong my guidie
http://i.imgur.com/QeM4Swu.jpg ~ Shuichi, you know who is she
It’s a small project indeed, since I’m still working almost all day, so I can only keeping project in spare time. But it’s worth living for :3 And to keep my project continue, I'm looking for some volunteer models, willing to give their shiny bodies to all the world >:3
My project is free for all :3 but im particular looking for one with stand out idea about how will they show themself (both Shu and Flame did a great jobs). If you think you can dance, email me your sk pictures at fazhionita@gmail.com with note/description about how would you want to look like. And I will do my best to deliver it to you and everyone :D
My mainpage to post my work would be http://fazhionita.tumblr.com/ and http://fashionita.imgur.com/ . I also will post my work on http://fazhionita.deviantart.com/ but this mostly secondary ( for some reason I have trouble of loading deviantart '-' )
*side note*
-All my work is done by screenshot in-game and retouch by photoshop
-I intend not to use SpiralSpy even some commented that would make the work easier. Indeed SS can help me create great angle and animation to work with, but again, this is capture people, not replicate them :) (like photography). But you can use SS if that will express your idea better :3
-Dragging different weapon types to each other slot will let you have some unusual holding weapon position, some will make it looks better (like holding sword on shoulder - sword in gun position).
-Try odd angle :3 you can make a final picture by combination many part of other angle, just tell me your idea :3
-Try to take picture with highest quality you can get, but mostly just above 2x since 1x gave so many aliasings '-' I can make it smooth but this costs time '-'
-I will finish my work as soon as possible, in day or 2
-accepting donation (jk, but it will make me happy :3)
Thanks for your time, Have fun and Enjoy :3
YAY NITA MADE A FORUM NODE!!!!!!!! Everyone needs to do this! It's so pretty! *o* Go take a look! I'm sure you all will agree!!!