...Only taking questions from "new recruits" named Little-Juances. COME AT ME BRO.
Ask Me Anything!
"Don't use the wiki."
So you knew the names of mobs BEFORE the wiki came out?
I want to see if anyody bothered to find out the names before.
Can you solo a fight with three trojans by killing all slag walkers, taking no damage, and without any pierce weapons?
Where is the ask me generator?
Can I nuke it?
My question is can I have all of your valestone?
Also hi.
I don't use swords and I'm worried about frostifurs. Should I make skolver? Is there another armor fitted for this situation?
The best option, from a defensive standpoint would be the Ice Queen set as that would maximize your piercing and ice resistance, however my recommendation would be to craft a dark briar barrage and simply bring that. Dark Briar Barrage tends to completely eat away all of the beast type enemies that you find, and isn't bad for gremlins either. Then, craft armor/helmets that fits the items you do use instead of skolver.
If you still manage to find yourself being eaten alive by frostifurs, then the Ice Queen set is always an option (and in your case a better option than skolver)- but is typically considered to be a relatively poor option, as it gives no offensive bonuses.
While it is typically good to know the names of such things, they are never really used in any detail, so memorizing them is almost a complete waste of time. If I say "Icy Kat" more people will know what I'm talking about than if I say "Bloogato". Whether I know the exact names of the mobs in SK is almost entirely trivial.
What is an isotrode? Poisonous Retrode
What is an electreant? Electric Lumber
What is a brumabot? Icy Scuttlebot.
What is a gremlin choker? Poisonous Gremlin Knocker
What is a bloogato? Icy Kat
I knew or could guess most of these, but still had to look others up. I would recommend not bothering yourself to learn the names that the developers come up with for all of their monsters- Learning what the over-arching name for each is is one thing, learning the status variant names is another. I have yet to hear anyone use the name "bloogato" outside of Little-Juances and yourself, and only then, on the wiki.
tl;dr No one gives a. Don't bother learning them.
I've made it through similar circumstances just fine, so I don't see why not... though your situation makes very little sense. There is almost nowhere in the game (There is Firestorm Citadel, but that means that you are likely to have a blitz needle on you) that would actually require you to do such a thing, nor would being able to do such a thing have anything to do with my ability to inform newer players of the happenings within Spiral Knights. Your scenario really isn't so hard though, as I can still have elemental weapons to take care of things with.
If you are preparing for your scenario, I would suggest-
Hail Driver
Mask of Seerus
Crest of Almire/Dread Skelly shield
The strategy would be to sneak in glacius charges while manipulating the trojans into killing the slags for you. To kill the trojans once the slags are down, lead the trojans to attack all at once and fire off a hail driver charge. Rinse and repeat, using the fact that most hail driver charges freeze things like trojans to your advantage.
Realistically, there is a certain danger room that has a trojan surrounded by beasts that constantly spawn, and you can get stuck fighting that with Sentenza. Which I made it through.
I'm currently looking for a good sword in PVP, and I'm not going with Flourish-esque weapons because they're too mainstream.
Any good swords other than toothpicks?
Can weeeee plz rmuuv dis bread? EEEEEt wuud meak me hpys.Sry 4 mah eeeeeeeemprupor grahmeeeer. Hao do eye 41x mah gruumeeeeeeeeer?
I don't know much about lockdown, but-
It is plausible to use the charge attacks of the brandish lines and FoV. Other than that, Divine Avenger and Gran Faust are more than usable in T3 lockdown. But you shouldn't be playing lockdown anyway- its kind of cruddy and completely imbalanced. It's better to just earn your tolkiens on bomberman, or to find+play the variety of other games that rely on much the same concept, but perform better- like TF2. If you must play it, you're going to be frustrated constantly by those willing to use flourish-esque weapons.
Should I make full set of 3* gear, then start doing T2 lockdown?
What is your password? *Ask you anything? (Now I finally trapped someone who started a Ask me anything forum)
How do you bring Jim Dale back in to SK?
If you plan to play T2 lockdown seriously, then yes, getting gear for it would be a good idea. If you're not sure, then go play a bit of it with 2/3* weapons. See if you like it first, then go for the gear.... investing in a decent gear set for lockdown before trying it out isn't necessarily a good idea. Especially since there are better games (or games seen as being better) that actually focus on PvP out there that you could play instead.
By holding Nick hostage and demanding he be unbanned from the forums. My password contains inappropriate language, and as such I cannot tell it to you.
I'm frustrated by gun puppies, so what gear should I get?
@Fleet-Miss-Gun: spam a pulsar-line gun at gun puppies. It interrupts them and doesn't let them shoot.
Can anyone please teach me how to avoid noobs? Please before they ruin the entire game!
For gun puppies, there are a number of weapons that you can use to take them out. These include things like most elemental guns (polaris is a notable example), as well as divine avenger (which can charge shot them) and warmaster rocket hammer, which one shots, or almost one shots turrets on the 2nd hit. Learning to auto-aim at will via a bound key will insure that you don't fly off into the distance when aiming with the hammer as well. If you're a bomber as evidenced by your avatar, you might want to look into getting dark retribution- which is also a boss at taking out turrets and will unlock you the rocket hammer suggested above, which is a fun weapon unto itself. Dread venom striker can help with turrets as well, and FoV can deal with them in one charge shot, though this is not recommended for beginners due to the cost of fire damage. Elemental brandish lines are also a large help when it comes to fighting gun puppies.. bombing gun puppies almost never works, so picking up an elemental handgun to go along with your bombs can be a huge boon. I would recommend either hail driver or storm driver, as their charge shots deal an immense amount of damage. Hail driver's freeze can be enough to keep a turret in place for a second charge if necessary, and storm driver will deal a larger amount of damage due to it's shock. Since you're fighitng construct, shock will do more. Nova driver can also work, if you're able to buff it's damage much- this will make it easier to one-shot the turrets via a charge attack.
Attaining a decent shield that blocks large amounts of elemental defense is also not a bad idea- the owlite series of shields accomplishes this incredibly well for elemental damage.
If you want to avoid noobs, I would suggest playing the entire game solo, or otherwise friending people like Bopp and Little-Juances off of the forums, as they are likely to be as "pro" as it gets. Avoid going to Haven, and try joining joining an elitist guild, as those tend not to have many noobs in them, and will give you access to the auction house. If you must visit the Auction House, a non-populated foreign version of Haven will likely contain few people, and thus, few noobs as well.
Hey I'm afraid that a lumber destroy my shield! Can you please tell me what is the shield for tanking lumber?
One of the plate line shields or a Grey Owlite should do reasonably well at taking Lumber hits.
Pretty sure people determined that the status inflicted was important as well, which would make a Plate shield a reasonable alternative to Owlite, given that it resists stun and has a high level of normal defence and health.
Is toxic vaporizer any good for RJ?
@Stable ordinance
Lumber attacks are resisted by elemental and normal damage, so maximizing those stats on your shield benefits you well. The grey owlite and heater shields will help you the most at tanking them- I would recommend heater over grey owlite if price is an issue- it will save you a few crowns and will produce a very similar result, albeit grey owlite tends to be more useful over all. All other shields, provided they have a normal or elemental component to them, will be about half as good at tanking hits from lumbers.
@Stable ordinance
Toxic vaporizer can be huge when fighting the jelly king, as the jelly king cannot heal while under it's effect. Since toxic vaporizer does not need to be upgraded to truly shine, it can be a huge boon if you lack 4/5* gear for the fight. This remains true for ash of agni and voltaic tempest, and their lower * forms.
What's the best bomb for dealing with menders?
If we're talking about 'Menders in Arenas', where there are large amounts of enemies for them to mass-heal, then Venom Veiler would be your best bet. For added pain, add AoA and season with VT to taste (Dark Matter line bombs optional).
Venom veilor is the best for dealing with menders, as it makes them destroy their friends and KILL THEIR CHILDREN. Do not attempt to add in other bombs, as that will leave enemies un-poisoned (if you have CTR max on all of them it is viable to do so, but even then, not entirely recommended as it is entirely unnecessary to do so). Ash of agni is still good for such a loadout, as you'll be able to switch to it to damage enemies when there are no menders out. This combination works well with guns/swords as well... which can be used to deal with enemies when you're done with them.
What's the worst 5* set for FSC?
Also why there's so many people necros threads?
The worst 5* set for FSC would likely be either mad bomber or valkyre armor, with weapons and side arms like umbra driver, that have nothing but pure shadow damage (avoid dark retribution- thats actually good)- which receives a horrible nerf in damage rather than a moderate one like acheron/gran faust (split shadow/normal) receive. The shield of choice would have to be something along the lines of royal jelly- renowned for it's huge advantage over barbarous thorn shield- sleep resistance. The pure dark matter bomb is also a wonderful option for failing at FSC.
People tend to necro threads for a few basic reasons- to antagonize people or otherwise attack the forum, accidentally (i.e. they didn't check the date), and most importantly, to legitimately post and bring back a still-valid idea.
I mean if the topic has not been sent to the "graveyard" subsection, why are there posters posting that you can't necro the thread? You can still post in the thread right? It hasen't been moved to the graveyard....has it?
post 8 posted at Thu, 06/09/2011 - 13:59 And post 9 posted at Mon, 03/04/2013 - 15:53 of another thread.
Edited by Yukariyakumo
Why does Snarbolax magically respawns again?
Why does my friend doesn't want to do proto runs in RJ?
Also why does Fehzor's post in Mawashimo thread is deleted?
Also why does Fehzor's post in Mawashimo thread is deleted?
Well you see, OOO does not know how to manage their forums, so many rules are almost completely void.
Snarbolax magically respawns as it is a part of the core. The core, with the help of the gremlins, builds the clockworks- this includes all of the monsters, which are kept alive/undead/whatnot as is evidenced by FSC. Thus, bosses and enemies respawn. Or at least that is my take on it- it could just be unexplained as well, and I could be wrong. But thats what I think of it.
And I don't know why my post was deleted. I was unaware of this, actually. What post was it?
In this thread.
Your post about gms doesn't care about the forum rules being breaked is deleted.
P.S Finally I can do HTML links!
Yes, as you can see, the GMs don't actually follow their own rules- rather, whatever they say goes. Eurydice didn't like that thread because it was against OOO, so she killed it. She didn't like my post, because it said exactly what I'm saying in this one to some extent, so she killed it too. She didn't like when Magnus said that OOO's business strategy was milking their playerbase, so She banned him- despite not having broken any "real rules". The same went for Pawn, who insulted or questioned OOO. Forum ban. Others say things sexual, off topic, etc. all the time, but don't get banned or in any trouble at all. Rather, OOO adores them and loves them- despite breaking the forum rules.
Of course, there are some rules that they choose to follow- like to some extent posting in the correct sub-forum and not naming+shaming. However, even these are either unstated directly and are mis-interpretted (naming+shaming) or are otherwise subject to drifting out of shape, so to speak (gremlin chatter = "Forum games" rather than what the rules would tell us)
b/o means buyout, likewise c/o means current offer.
So why does OOO is okay with "bump" post?
They don't. It used to be "OOO hates gunners." because gunners were underpowered. So OOO fixed it. Now its "OOO hates bombers.." Even though they just uprocketed bomber's gear by giving them a shadowy piece of armor.
OOO isn't okay with "bump" posts all of the time. A bump post is ok if you're like, selling something or whatnot. But it isn't if you're spamming it too too much in general. But they're rather blunt, and you can bump as much as you'd like if you do it correctly via editing your post.
@Thejja: People paid IRL money for the hammer.
To anyone who says that bombing is useless for turrets, that's not all true; F2P bombing is (post-Shards nerf) but the DR will make little metal fragments of them if you line it up properly.
OOO hates bombers because a) in the beta (I heard, wasn't there) bombs were super-OP and nobody used the charge attack b) Nick likes the Blitz Needle.
b/o means Buyout. as in, Buy It Now! on eBay.
Is it true that OOO loves gunslingers?
Because the sun shards were blatantly too strong compared to it's relative cost which was half that of all other final items.
The rocket hammer forces people to invest in other options; if I am a pure swordy and want it, I have to invest in the potential to get a mask of Seerus and a dark retribution. This means that the cost for WRH and OCH, while cheap for hybrids, is expensive for pure classes.
So while the comparative power of the old RSS and the WRH is about the same, the cost for each is drastically different.
No. They don't hate or favor any class. Any and all irregularities are simply a combination of the developer's failure to balance their game and the player's misconceptions regarding the use of gear.
DR is the one exception for turrets, and is a huge boon for bombers. However, while there is one bomb that works for 2/3s of the turrets in the game, there are a large number of swords and guns that can easily take out turrets. Likewise, when the going gets tough in danger rooms consisting of all turrets, dark retribution is not my weapon of choice. That would be warmaster rocket hammer.
Why does the wolver set have freeze resist in it's 2* form, while spiral demo doesn't have stats resist until 5*?
I didn't know Pawn was banned on the forums, must have happened during that year I took off of SK to cool off my irritation with all the changes making it more pay-to-play...LOL
Isn't the thread about spoilers is unpublished?
Lets test your knowledge of monster names.
What is an isotrode?
What is an electreant?
What is a brumabot?
What is a gremlin choker?
What is a bloogato?
Don't use the wiki.