Why has NOBODY mentioned Hamsters yet, they are very nice and i even handed my OWN guild (Cursed Destroyers) to my alt and a friend, just to join Hamsters
Which guilds are the best guilds now? (Guild survey!)

This order is not in ranked:
Echo of Silence- current guild not gona compare with others like who is better, but I think we are currently one of the best.
Edwin- Without doubt the biggest "Chinese speaking only" guild ever, still is active, but not as much as before.
Unity- Very very cool community, lots of nice players i know including Coodie, Norreh, and more come from there
Rigorous- Some cool people I know are from there
Old School- Some old friends I know from Old School are not active anymore, but regardless, they have still left a great impression to me.
Exalt- Not sure about now if they're active anymore, but back then with Zeeca as the GM, he is one of the coolest dudes I've known, very skilled and confident in PVE.
Aenigma- Silversray as the GM, any guild he runs is cool.
Impervious- They have great PvP players, very well known for PvP fame and activity, not sure if I know many players from there now.
I'm not gonna comment on any other Guild, since I don't know enough about them to make any comment about them, they're not mentioned NOT because they are not good enough.

1. Blackout
It is quite a new guild, has lots of active players in around asia time afternoon. They are very crazy and have to have a lot of fun!
2. Solo Art
Digicom :D :D :D solo art is the most active guild i have ever seen.

The 3 best guilds I think was the best :P
1. Aegis Team: they were a very friendly guild (all but Ice :P) and they were fun to be in before Chriz sorta quitted and the guild disbanded. (hint hint what art said about Chriz is true :P)
2. Aeternus Imortalis (YA I spelled it right without looking): It was also another friendly guild that was good to be in (YA NO ICE)<---- that too. Also its pretty decent and does GvG time to time and now still going. Also its still active even after Art left the guild (YOU TRAITOR!)
3. Cursed Wanderers: even though I just joined this guild its awesome. Everyones pretty friendly and we do GvG most of the time Wandering (guild master) is on. Also all of us are T3(requirement) so sometimes we get free shadow lair runs even though some were fails it was still fun to have not to pay for a shadow key.This guild is very active about 12 member+ anyday, almost anytime.
and why is there no vog/skolver profile pic on SK I want one! T_T

"2. Aeternus Imortalis (YA I spelled it right without looking)"
That irony <3

Ominous is a very friendly guild (all but Ice :P)

Not in any specific order..
First Blood
The Devine Hunters
Wolfpack Party
These are all guilds that I have been in.

I'm more of a Gods person. True, it's only a small guild at the moment, but it's run very well, has some great members, and the guild hall looks amazing! Not to mention that it's the perfect place to learn more about merchanting, the economy, etc. It's the only guild that I've ever felt at home in :D

Gods was dead just 4 weeks ago.... (still is imo)

Gods has plenty of active players, you dont have to be salty about every other guild tink
Edit: I haven't seen any hoppers, and not like tinkering gremlins didn't have a good amount of them
P.s. stop making biggeoff kick me out of gods, I never called you a scammer, I had specifically said that you got mad at me for supposedly making you look like you were trying to scam someone, I left you alone after getting out of tg, so stop trying to blacklist me based on a misinterpretation

i quote "Guild Hopping : Gods does not take guild hopping lightly regardless of what status you held previously. We do not re-invite people that decide to leave without notice. You are more than welcome to leave Gods however do not expect an invite back. This pertains to Guild hoppers that haven’t been in Gods either. We do not accept Guild hoppers or leavers; just say bye if you are one, its not that hard. " -ragga in the gods thread. ik personally know many people who hop in and out gods saying its shit etc... nice people too have around hun :3 #justifiedsalt #iknowstuff

Few things of mention.
>This is a 2013 thread so you are all necrobumping.
>Any guild that must say it is the best obviously is not the best. Gods is known for nothing in pve, pvp, or reputation.
>Kingtinkinzar is right Gods died many times and revived. It is a habit of Gods.
>Ragga applied to EoS while being GM of Gods few months back lol. Disloyal to his own guild.
>Only 3 active guilds atm title the best and tbh they will not waste time posting here. Just look at the forums or ask people that were active for the last year.

> adding new things justifies bringing back a thread
> I personally consider gods the second best ive been in (first was ominous before it died)
And if a guild isn't known for anything it can still be good, if not for bragging about stuff like PvP it could be for the community
> if thats the habit, then its being revived atm
> can't say a lot of GMs are completely honest about things, like that one guild I was in a long time ago (it was called elite dragon or something), raggas definitely not alone
> I can name more than 3, ive seen divine gods, gods, tg, the terminators, eos, (some lockdown guild I keep forgetting the name of), which makes 6 ive seen in my arcade/lockdown-only playing habits recently

Oh god I really really really want to get involved in the salt...it would be so fun...
@Kingtinkinzar: One thing I would like to mention is that we do take hoppers very seriously; in fact, one of our well respected Officers (whom I will not name) leaves the Guild on a weekly basis. This has been happening on and off and they are now not welcome in Gods anymore. "Gods was dead just 4 weeks ago.... (still is imo) - Kingtinkinzar" I've had many, many, MANY people, including your own Officers tell me that TG is dying. "he kicks inactives only to invite more inactives in their place" - Vohtarak. So when you have a quality Guild, then you can talk to meIf this isn't upholding the rules set forth on the Forum page, then I don't know what is. If you would like to illiterately argue with me further, you can Mail me in-game.
@Lord-Fullstop: I don't see any instance on this thread where I stated Gods is the best guild, in fact, the only reason Gods was brought up on this thread, was because a member of Gods saw it fitting to talk about the exemplary aspects of our Guild. And about the disloyalty thing, can you honestly say that you've been in the same guild for 2 years? I was in Gods back in 2013 when it was just made by Aandy and Count, I was there when Gods was only a merchanting Guild and it was run by some of the richest people in SK. When SK began to decline, so did the member count of Gods and eventually I was the only person logging on every day. After about a month of wishing the Gods would get revived, I left and sought other Guilds; none were the same as Gods. When Aandy came back to the game in 2014, I rejoined Gods and became it's GM and I've been here ever since. Even when Gods dropped to 6 members about a month ago, I didn't leave. So I think you need to look up the definition of loyalty before you prance onto a thread and throw around "big-boy" words. And as I said with Tink, if you want to waste your time further, Mail me in-game.

fyi ragga vohtarak is the reason 50-60% of the people that do leave TG left... hes the kind of guy that ruins the fun experience for everyone so have fun with him and tg isnt dying and never was thats the difference theres an unstoppable force that will always outrank you mate and thats a good solid gm and a buch of well oiled officers so please get out of my way while ill stomp the puny gods out of this game.... theres no reason to mail you ingame cause ive got nothing to hide

Sure.... it's not the GM that'll kick you for accidentally interrupting a single BK run.....
Bite me

oh hi there, there's backstory to that + you've been quite an "(un)p(l)easant person" during that time (probably still are) so ruin other peoples runs and break another guilds rules several times :)

As much as I love to argue with illiterate idiots online, I'm gonna stop. I'd rather not stain the good name of Gods any further. Good luck with your Guild.

Illiterate? i speak English, Dutch, German, Arabic and French. how many languages do you speak mr president....? :) (im guessing one since you're overly obsessed with how things are spelled)

So tink, are you done making your friends lie about me to get me kicked out of guilds or should I wait a bit longer before trying to get into one?
So, ummm.......... Make a new thread? Cus I wanna watch this:P

no voh i am not done speaking the harsh truth* about what you are and what you have done in tg.... deliberate sabotaging and bad talking your own guild.... as an officer instead of doing anything productive your goal was too wreak havoc and ruin everyone's day even the officers were relieved that you were gone... so no... oh here's an idea maybe make your own guild... the cancer squad so i can break it down for you just to show you how it feels.... uh BUBYE
Wait if he was ineffective, why was he an officer......

Simple reason(s): i like(d) him, he used to be good, was given several chances.

deliberate sabotaging- explain how, ive only kicked 4 people and it takes a lot for that to become a final option, and ive specified that i was only talking about bad members, every guild has them
as an officer- tried to help, not my fault some guys cant figure out things like how to start a mission
ineffective/whatever- i donated quite a bit, and kept up the records on the event that we had running
other officers- not sure about all the officers being relieved, im still in acquaintance with a lot of them, maybe pigeon guy though, i didnt see him often and he bought hercs victim playing very well
making a guild- why would i make a guild just so you can ruin it just like everyone elses who left tg to make one?

This thread has been totally derailed. Now it's just a squabble between a bunch of butthurt people.

1. Nuff said.
2. Nuff-Gremlins
3. Nuffpire
4. Nuff-Art
5. Echo-of-Nuff
6. Nuffinators
7. Nuff-land
8. Nuffity
9. nuffiosk
10. sexy-nuffs
Everyone knows it's Nuff-Art then Echo-of-Nuff then Nuffinators. Personally why would you put Nuff-Gremlins on there at all. I mean I know Nuff-ulus doesn't sound good, but....... really? Nuff-gremlins... why bother?

I would also add Nuff-Mare and Nuff-Nine on there too. And I definitely agree on the Nuffity

Not in any order:
Final Order
Final Order
Final Order
Final Order
Final Order
Final Order
Final Order
Final Order
Final Order
Nikuman Empire (I had to put that in there)
All I'm saying is that Final Order is a really nice guild.
If you want to go to a nice calm guild, it's time to go to Final Order.
Oh, and Azwar
Plz send me another inv to guild plz m(>_<)m
That link failed linking.