So ther was this stage i was soloing, clockwork fiend shock stage. And in 1 small area there were 2 wing healers and 3 shock greavers = IMPOSSIBLE.
You cannot run away from greavers without having to stop and use shield, and once u unshield u are shocked by the mist it leaves behind when it attaks. Ontop of this have 3 greavers constantly attacking u while they r being healed and youll be lucky if u dont get shocked and die in 1 go. Not to mention they do enough damage to break ur shield in 2 or 3 hits.
Fiends are the hardest enemies in the game, the devilites and greavers in numbers are way too difficult.
Then in the thunderfist arena the first wave was 2 shock gunpuppies and 4 greavers. I died without killing anything becos 1 shock = death. The shield breaks in 2 seconds and u die. This really needs to be fixed, as it is the hardest stages give the crappiest money and heat even when i didnt die, basicalty comparable to t1 heat or even worse. While jelly king gives ridiculous amounts and is the easiest.
Shock greavers are ridiculous
Flail your melee weapon about without regard for safety, that generally works, playing safe against them is suicide unless you have a shield of the gods.
Yep, I too have found that if I just keep attacking them (Vile Striker) I magically don't get shocked. As far as I know Strikers don't normally interrupt monsters much, but at least it works for me against Greavers.
Watching the swordsmen from a safe distance, it looks to me as if flourish is doing a, exceptionally good job here.
A single bullet from my Sentenza stops their attack, and if that interrupts them then a slight breeze will.
I usually deal with them by blocking their strikes, unleashing an autogun salvo, block again, another autogun salvo, and they're dead.
sure fighting 1 greaver is easy but if ur up against 2 or 3 surrounding u u can just keep attacking hoping to interrupt all their atack animations since they dont attack at the same time, they will attack one after the other so u must shield some attacks. The problem is even though the shock cloud or even freeze cloud will move, ugotta unshield so u can attack before the next greaver attacks u or else ull just be shielding and after 2 attacks ur shield will break and u will face the inevitable shock which lasts 10 seconds and it certainly kill u.
We arre talking about t3 here where 2 attacks from those guys are enough to kill u since most ppl dont have shadow defense sets.
I have been using full 5 star gear even the grey owlite which has shock resistance (not sure exactly what it does) and also a flourish but when i get do beat them its cos i killed the fast enough before they could take all my health (i was still shocked), but that wont always work especaily when there is a healer as ull die before u can even kill the healer. Really only way is spam attack ur melee weapon like rapbreon said and hope u dont die before u kill them all.
Again ppl are responding as if they are fighting just 1 which is easy but u will get surrounded by a few even if u use a gun since they move so fast, not to mention that in t3 they are much harder to fight since they release 4 balls of energy in 4 directions with each attack so it aint easy to run when they attack u from multiple angles. Its like gun puppies attacks added in as well.
Even though it is doable with a party it really makes soloing some levels impossible while its so much easier to solo other levels. Many times i just died on first depth of t3 cos of some stupidly hard stages that have bad rewards while other stages are much easier and somehow give more rewards.
I agree with the whole "Greavers-are-so-funking-annoying" thing, but they aren't so hard if you just lure them to you one by one and dispose of them accordingly.
You need to kite them a little bit before attacking them to assure they're all coming from the same direction. You can never kite them all the way because they're faster than you, even if you just run, but you can run just a little bit to make sure they're all on the same side.
I'm not pretending it's easy. But then again not much in T3 is.
Things are awful, they are the only reason I would even think of getting armor high in shock resist.
If you can't the jump on them and stop their attack animation, all seems to be lost.
Flail wildly.
Also, if you know they're coming (like if they're trapped behind blocks that you break to release them), lay down some ice to freeze them in place. Freezing vaporizer mist between you and the greavers (or, if you're really good, shooting them with a cryo driver) is a life saver. Stick em in place then one by one flail the sword wildly at then until they are dead. I like fast swords for this because greavers are really quick. The vile striker got me past a couple of levels of T3 greavers yesterday and the winmillion has served me well in the past against them.
Greavers are one of the easiest monsters to kill because their attacks have a huge delay and it's easily avoidable.
Shock Greavers are no different, and I've killed 3+ of them at once on numerous occasions. Even if there's Silkwings healing, it's as easy as striking quickly.
Though, I would recommend using a Flourish. Fiends are very weak to Piercing Damage, and Greavers and Silkwings are Fiends. If you have a Flourish you can easily dispatch the whole lot of them in one go.
If you can, always use every type of weapon: Elemental, Shadow, and Piercing. Taking these three weapon types with you will benefit you tremendously as you'll be strong against every monster in the game. If you can't take all three types then at least take two of them which aids you with the majority of the game's monsters.
Protip: Any melee attack at all interrupts greavers
I find that I can interrupt T2 greavers' attacks by swording them after their attack animation is started. Pretty easy to do, even with my slow Khorovod. The status cloud they drop moves around, so try to avoid it. If you're fighting them from the same spot wothout moving you're going to be hit by the clouds much more often.
I honestly rarely have trouble with them unless there's a healer around. Try bringing some shadow resist and/or a flourish. Flourishes ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISH Greavers.