So i've noticed some knights have taken great pride in making their element known, fire, poison, ice, shadow... i want to see what you can create, i want to see you blend and design some of the best knights this game has seen. there may be prizes involved, so keep hunting those specialty knights!
this contest will take place over 2 months, the best theme from each element will be awarded after the duration of the contest.
so here's how it works!
over the duration of 2 months, you can enter your own creation, or another knight that you've found in haven. IF you enter another knight, and that knight ends up being one of the winners after 2 months, you will receive a finders prize, which is a mirrored lockbox. after the winners are chosen for each single element, there will be a commissioned art piece of each knight in their respective element set. so good luck, have fun, and lets see what you got!
also, NO SPIRAL SPY ALLOWED. all entries must have full inspect on.
i'll start with my own creation, the infernal fire fox.
i hope to see more in the future!