still have squinty eyes..
ign xcelestialneon
make a new offer if your still looking for them.
WTB Crest of Winter || WTS Silver Keys
This is super super late but still got the g.laurel if you want it. Sorry.
it's all good i got one, thanks ><
celestialneon, mail sent
Just sold the laurel, good luck with getting the rest of the things you need XD
IGN: Retequizzle
I have a Wolver Cap Poison Max I'd be willing to part with if you're still looking. Shoot me a message if you're interested.
I'm currently on if you're able to access an SK client. Seems we've been missing each other logging on and off this weekend.
EDIT: I've also got a Wolver Coat Poison Max that I'd sell along with the cap as a set for a decent deal if you're interested. If not, free bump and reminder to mail me when you log on.
yeah probably cause of different timezones and I've been pretty busy with school ><
I'll be at school for another 7 hrs I'll come on to see if you're on/mail you when I get home
Hey, I'll accept your offer on that Poison Max Cap if you're still interested. Would tell you in-game atm but you're not on... haha.
Thanks for the trade, even tho you sold it to me for 15k higher than your b/o D:
tho i guess it was my fault i didn't know when i agreed ><
Lushee what are you planning on making? You have bought some very nice accessories and are looking for some more very nice ones aswell XD
Selling Divine Long Feather if you're interested
I'm planning to attatch it on my tricorn xD
idk if i should put a divine plume or long feather on tho =( there are none in AH for me to try out
and long feather is pretty expensive now ><
You're Jssr right? I may be interested in your plume too
Yeh. How murch for zee keys? :o
^mahatma's IGN is shadowknifer
Also, edit the last message to bump
I do do that, just that if my message is "mailed you" and i keep updating it then it seems like i'm replying late =\
Then just post a reply, and then post another saying bump, and edit that until someone replies...
I have a crest of winter for sale, you can add me in game.
IGN: Minase
or add me on Steam
Thanks for the offer but i think i'll wait a bit more and put them in the AH in the holidays if they're still not sold
With a shadow key being 118k b/o in the AH atm, I can get more than 39k per silver key
I have one attached to blizzbreaker armor :/ but at least its something.
250kCR b/o
thanks but i think i'll pass on that >< i need it on something else =)