I was looking on the wiki and it seems that everything 3* and better needs to be crafted and usually (if not always) requires more than 100 energy to do so. Should I assume that f2p players are out of luck being that they are limited to 100 energy?
getting better than 2* gear for f2p
Sat, 03/16/2013 - 07:51
Sat, 03/16/2013 - 08:35
No, we can buy CE from the
No, we can buy CE from the in-game market, using crowns.
It takes more time and more patience to get to 5* as a F2P knight, but you can get there with some grinding :)
Try to do the most profitable runs (the levels before any of the bosses) to gain some nice amount of crowns.
Sat, 03/16/2013 - 09:40
Thanks, I was really unclear
Thanks, I was really unclear on that.
F2Pers are able to bypass this limit by purchasing Crystal Energy with crowns, either in Haven or through the energy market.