Simple question, I just don't know the answer to it.
Just wondering if there's any advantage in leveling up your weapon/armor before upgrading it to the next series. Like, is there a higher chance of receiving a UV, or having a higher attack/defense. I'm assuming the answer is 'no', but I just want to make sure. And I know that some series require the level of the item to be level 10, but not all. I'm just asking because I think it would be pretty cool if that was the case!
Depending on the item it has higher attack / defense / charge reduction etc.
Also depending on the star level to craft to the next star level you need your previous weapon to be a certain lvl. Lvl 5 to craft to 4 star and lvl 10 to craft a 5 star.
I hope this made sense.
ex: a lvl 5 sword receives a charge time reduction low, and a lvl 10 receives a charge time reduction medium. Also each lvl 1 - 10 grants the sword greater attack power.