IGN: Battlegrinder
Age: 19 (almost 20)
Gender: Male
Time Zone: NYC
How often do you play: Around 5-10 hours a week.
What's your strongest skill in-game: I'm a Hybrid, with a slight focus on swords. I'm working on a set that lets me deal out high damage to a single, high priority target, like healers or big monsters.
What other mmos have you played: I've played all of the MMOs released by Spacetime Studios, and am a big fan of Star Legends.
Viop (voice chat programs): Mumble and Skype.
Why do you want to join our guild: I enjoy playing games with a group of people I know well, and your guild seems to support that type of player, without being too seerus.
About yourself: I like to read and play video games, I'm working on writing a novel, and I'm working toward a degree in electrical engineering.
<Titan> =Open=

IGN: Dvastate
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Where are you from?: India
Time Zone: +4
How often do you play?: almost everyday
What's your strongest skill in-game?: Swordsman.
What other mmos have you played?: DC Universe Online, this is the 2nd one..
Viop (voice chat programs): nope
Have you ever had experience with another guild?: A couple, but dont remember 'em..
Why do you want to join our guild?: I'd like to have a sense of integrity in playing MMO games, joining a guild lyk yours, i hope it'll satisfy me..
About yourself: I'm always a gamer, and I also love playin' football.. I prefer to be nice to everyone, and wouldnt mind to help.

Thanks for all the applications , the guild is becoming more active every day! Hitting up to 21 people online, fantastic! Thank you all for your applications.
Feel free to continue sending them in-game or apply right here in the forums. :)
IGN: Ayiama
Age: 26
Gender: M
Time Zone: Central Us
How often do you play? As much as I can after work
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner) I am a mix between sword and gunner due to how the dungeons are layed out.
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites) World of warcraft, Diablo series, Ultima series, Eve online, Runescape in open beta,
Aion, League of legends, Scarlet Blade, and many many more lol.
Viop (voice chat programs): Ts3, ventrilo, mumble, skype
Why do you want to join our guild? I'm honestly just looking to make some friends and have some people to do things with it's gets pretty stale going solo all the time or having afk members in a party causing the party to disband. I'm just looking for a group of people who want to progress and aim high.
About yourself: I love poki , asian women, anime, manga , love sports, and of course I love video games cause they are the future! I'm super friendly and definately a center of attention person, I love to make people laugh and joke around a ton! =^.^= Kat fase means im accepted right lol!!!
IGN: Kyrelegan
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Time Zone: US Mountain
How often do you play? At least a couple hours every day, might be a bit less once school picks up again
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner) I'm currently a swordsman but am starting to move towards gunner.
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites) I used to play Runescape, and actively play the first Guild Wars. I also occasionally play EVE, whenever money and/or free weekends allow.
Viop (voice chat programs): None, as I don't have a microphone anymore...
Why do you want to join our guild? You seem to be one of the few friendly, all-are-welcome guilds that I've seen, and I really love the name. :D
About yourself: I'm a gamer, started when Halo first game out really, and have been playing ever since. I've played most genres, but RPG/MMO and FPS are certainly my favourites. I'm a A+ student in school, and heading to the Air Force next summer. I'm usually pretty quiet and while I'll take the lead if I need to, I prefer to follow and observe. When I do talk, I try to be serious but with a light tone, joking but not overly humorous.

Ign: Xxpwnjunkyxx It's a name I made over a year ago and I...fully regret the decision....
Age: 17
Time zone: U.S. East? I guess that's a time zone, I've never had to think about time zones before.Weird.
How oftten do you play: I usually play a few hours a day.
Stongest skill: Probably Swordsman, close combat Rocking the standard cobalt gear (3 star helm, armor, shield, gun, 4 star sword)
Other mmos: I have played WoW in the past, as well as some EvE online.
Voice chat program: You may contact me using steam :VigorousSnow (see a much better name than the one I use for my current character)
Why join your guild: I want a nice guild with tightly knit individuals who are willing to help each other out and continuously grow the guild to be the best it can be.
About me: I play video games. Alot. I have a pet rabbit named tubby. Because he's well, pretty tubby. I have no favorite sport whatsoever. Uh I like red velvet cake (it's my favorite cake), Burritos, uh...... fired chicken's pretty good. I don't like bacon. Funyons are pretty great. Just so good. I don't like real onions. But onion flavored chips are apparently really good. Oh and chaos god slaanesh is best chaos god.
Gender: Hold on lemme check.... Male!
Time Zone: Central
How often do you play? Once a day usually for 2-4 hours if time permits. Mostly in the evening
What's your strongest skill in-game? Swordie, I do carry a gun side arm just in case the situation calls for it. I used to carry two swords and a gun. Right now I', currently wielding a Sealed Sword and a Magnus Handgun.
What other mmos have you played? WoW, FFXI and FFXIV
Viop (voice chat programs): Mumble, Vent, Skype, Steam
Why do you want to join our guild? Traversing the depths by yourself is a lonely trek. One needs companions, friends, brothers and sisters in arms to really know what any MMO is about and Spiral Knights is no different! But enough of the flowery speach... Dude, it sucks trying to do any kind of run just to have the party randomly return without so much as a 'G2G', or afk'ing in the middle of the third arena challenge! I need my heats!! But seriously the game stops shining when you realize your going depth after depth alone, your resources dwindling away because you cant get to the good loot with just one guy. I remember the first time I made it to the core and it was with a party of friends and guidlies i know its a game and all but it was ephin' magical. Alright I'm gettin' teary eye'd GAHHH!!
About yourself: Uhhh k, Well I love steam if you like to game on a PC steam is prolly the best way to go. MMO RPGs is usually what brings me to my PC if not youtube. I like to read comic books over mangas and western cartoons over anime. What can I say my dad grew me up on marvel and DC. I love Transformers with the exception of Michael Bays Transformers... AAAAnd I love talkin about all things nerdy :D
Thank you for your time and consideration!
IGN: Bardan-Jusik
Age: 15 soon 16
Gender: Male
Time Zone: Sweden
How often do you play? I can usuallt play a few hours
What's your strongest skill in-game? Swordsman
What other mmos have you played? Swtor WoW and Runescape
Viop (voice chat programs): Skype Steam Teamspeak
Why do you want to join our guild? All games gets better if you have someone to play them with, like a guild
About yourself: Gaming and friends/family is the two thing that keep me going :D

That's all I can say! Wow!
Apps keep getting better and better. Loving the activity right now :)
Keep 'em coming guys!

IGN ; Dragon-dash
AGE ; 16
gender ; male
time zone ; U.S eastern ( don't really care much about time zones lol )
how much do you play ; I play a lot i say about 5 hrs a day in the summer time and like 2 hrs a day in the school year
whats your strongest skill in the game ; SWORDMAN FTW
what mmos have you played ; spiral knights ( of course ) wizard 101 , planet side 2 , tree fortress 2
viop ; mumble , vent
why do you want to join the guild ; Well i like the name ;P because my name is dragon and it looks like you guys have a lot of fun in your guild as i see you guys in haven also i talk to your guildmates a few times in vanna runs and you guys are kinda kewl .
ABOUT YOURSELF; im just a fun active teenage nerd that likes getting good grades in school , playing LD , doing clockwork runs , and just having fun ;D .
Where are you from? Canada
How often do you play? Most days and nights
What is your strongest skill ingame? Swordsman, and Gunner sometimes
What other mmos have you played? LoL, World of warcraft, minecraft
Viop(voice chat programs): No
Have you had any experiance with other guilds? Not really, just one, but it was just me and one other person.
Why do you want to join our guild? For community and friends
What is your favorite chocolate and why? White chocolate, i find it tastes better
About yourself: Theres not much to know, i like video games i'm kinda smart and i like steam.
IGN: Legion-Commander
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Time Zone: GMT +8
Where are you from? Philippines
How often do you play? I don't play too often coz I'm too busy on my studies especially i'm an honor role student so i gotta balance my grades but i enjoy playing with new friends and i only go online weekends so maybe once a week or 4 times a week if i have time.... :)
What's your strongest skill in-game? I carry a sword and a gun but i use my sword too often so a Swordsman maybe....
What other mmos have you played? Only Spiral Knights
Viop (voice chat programs): i got none
Why do you want to join our guild? I kinda like the name of the guild (Dragon Knights) I like dragons... I also need a guild cause im so much alone when playing JK run (coz im still stuck at 4* gear and having trouble with the mission 7-2 Vicious and Viscous)
About yourself: I eat chocolates a lot and like to see JK disappear... LOL
IGN: DuskAndre
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Time Zone: GMT
How often do you play?: I play quite often, normally a couple of hours a day
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner): Mainly a Gunner, but against things weak to shadow then I change to swordsmen
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites) Minecraft, PokeMMO
Viop (voice chat programs):N/A
Why do you want to join our guild?: To meet some people that I can play with and get help when i need it (stuck on 3* gear)
About yourself: I can be quite quiet with strangers, but when i get to know them I can be talkative.

Congrats DuskAndre, Legion-Commander, and DialgaKiller!
And with those additions comes great news! We've finally hit 100 ACTIVE members!! :D
It's great to meet new people and make new friends, and that's exactly what we've been doing. :3
We've expanded our member limit to 150 players, and if you'd like a friendly, social, active guild that doesn't judge you by your star level, shoot us over an application either on here or in-game!
Stay awesome guys~

IGN: Capini
Age: 14
Gender: M
Time Zone: GTM
How often do you play? once or twice a week
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner) My strongest skill is swordsman
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favourites) SWTOR, age of empires online, Star trek online, AION
Viop (voice chat programs): Steam
Why do you want to join our guild? So I can improve my character and be part of something more
About yourself: I like science and things to do with it, I also like gaming. I have 3 star gear and I'm a rank 5 on spiral Knights

Guild Master, Lynavi, is not going to be online for runs or much play time until November/December
Please send mails to Thegamerguy or any officer. Thank you!

Naw, you don't have to bump it again. I'll take over your job for a second here.
Time Zone:PST
How often do you play? 2-3 hours a day
What's your strongest skill in-game? I'm a swordsman but I like to use bombs to crowd control then go in for da kills with swords.
What other mmos have you played? DDO, Roblox, AQW(Very old player), Smite, and LoL.
Viop (voice chat programs): TS3
Why do you want to join our guild? Because you guys seem friendly.

"Because you guys seem friendly"
And [CENSORED] right, we are! If I have time I'll go check if Yulrych is on and if he can add you in. If not, it wouldn't be a bad idea to mail thegamerguy. Hope to see you on soon!

The game can't seem to find a player named "Bich-Long". Did you typo anything or what?

IGN: zerxsoul
Time Zone:+1
How often do you play? currently most of my day.
What's your strongest skill in-game? sword & guns
What other mmos have you played?wow,warframe,maplestory,flyff,gw2,D3,others.
Viop (voice chat programs):ts3
Why do you want to join our guild? I like the name ;D and seen some of Lynavi's comments around the forum ;D
About yourself: I like science & mostly technology, hate my main-language swedish -.- & (history). I like halo game series. prob will try destiny seems interesting.

Hey zerxsoul have you been invited yet?
And for those of you that have been recruited in the past month or two how do you enjoy DK so far?

We did invite Zerx, and he's in the guild already. As for the recruits... Not much of our guild members visit the forums, only mostly the GM's and officers, and some cool members. If you want to find out how the guild is, you gotta find out for yourself :P (Also, the guild fits your name)

Age: 21
Gender: female
Time Zone: GMT+1
How often do you play? maybe an hour most days, more on the weekend
What's your strongest skill in-game? Swordswoman c: but i'm aiming for a more balanced equipment
What other mmos have you played? none really.. I played runescape when i was about 14 but we do not talk of that
Viop (voice chat programs): skype, steam, i could get teamspeak if you use that
Why do you want to join our guild? Because dragons rule! I'm looking for an active guild to do vana runs with and maybe go to the shadow lair to finally get my snarby set. I also want to improve my PvP skills which are rather mediocre
About yourself: I'm an engineering student from germany, so you won't see me much during exam phases but a lot during breaks! I love riddles and audiobooks.

Sorry about the lateness in invites! As it is the working part of the year for most individuals in school at the moment most of us are out and about. :( This doesn't mean that you can't join! We're always open to new members and just a small apology for my inactiveness along with some other members. :) I'll try my best over weekends and breaks to be online for around 2-3 hours a day. :)
IGN: Leafreo
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Time Zone: GTM -6 (USA Central Time)
How often do you play? Almost everyday
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner) Trying to be a Gunner/Bomber
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites) WOW, Maplestory, Minecraft, Gunbound
Viop (voice chat programs): my talked english is horrible :/
Why do you want to join our guild? Tired of roaming the world alone, I want to find some friends to offer and get help
About yourself: Among my friends my name is synonym of "Green". My name is Cristhian but my nickname is just "Criss". I love to play animal crossing and pokemon.

Hey Lyn, hey Gamer, hey everyone else I met.
So I think I'm going to leave this guild. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the time I had with this guild. However I've been with you guys for about an entire year I believe. This is not entirely about the name change (although Titan really doesn't describe a short knight) so don't be offended in any way that I joined just for the name. I truly liked the people I met here. You guys were friendly and helpful (Liamsdaboss helping me through missions), but not too rigid (Lynavi cursing in FSC lol). And you were a very diverse group (those BN games with guildies) but I think I need to move on. Thanks to everyone for all your help throughout my journey. Perhaps I'll rejoin another day if Gamer lets me. I'll miss all of you Dragon Knights!
-Coelydragon out
(PS Lyn, I finished the game yesterday. Let's do something crazy later.)

See you later, hope you enjoy whatever you plan to do outside Dragon Knights :)

IGN: Manebuzz
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Time zone: GTM 0 (England)
How often do you play?: Not often now, but after christmas i be on everyday, for most of the day.
Strongest skill: Swordsman
Other MMO: Use to play League, not any more.
Viop: Skype and Steam
Why i want to join: Because i would like to be apart of such a fun and above all, active guild.
About me: Quiet person, even in game, prefer soloing missions and runs. I love cookies more than anything and I have been playin sk for 3 years, but created a new account a few days back, and now got 3* gear but a lot of experience.

IGN: Volkke
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Time Zone: Eastern
How often do you play?: I play pretty often. Almost always during my free-time. I have never been called inactive when playing a game, unless I chose to just quit the whole game in general.
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner): At the moment, swordie, but I always dreamed of becoming a pro bomber.
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites): Mabinogi, Ragnarok Online
Viop (voice chat programs): Vent, TS3, Skype, but have used others before
Why do you want to join our guild?: I want to join a guild that is willing to give advice to the more clueless people in SK, me being one of them. I used to play this game a long time ago when you had to use energy to go on runs and stuff, and I have decided to come back to the game. But I've always thought this game is ridiculously unfun without other people to run with, and according to your guild description, you guys would be a good place for me to go.
About yourself: If I had to choose, I'd say im more T2 than anything based on armor, but i have a DA and the 4* autogun thing that people use on vana. the machine gun thingamajigger. I've done FSC before and I'm pretty solid PvE. In terms of LD, I actually used to be really good. Held my own in T3 with T2 gears and stuff. How good am I now though? Idk hahaha.
Thanks for reading.

We still welcome anybody, just fill the form out and you should be in about 2 days!
IGN: Iotagamma
Gender: M
Time Zone: Est.
How often do you play? A couple hours a day, and when ever I can
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner) Right now i have both sword and gun on me, but I'm loving the gun more.
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites)Navyfield, Aika, Voyage Century, War Thunder.
Viop (voice chat programs): teamspeak, ventrillo, raidcall, skype.
Why do you want to join our guild? I would love to be in a very friendly close guild who is willing to help others. As I learn in grow in favor help those that are new and seek the same help i sought for.
About yourself: I am a college student in my last year and working on getting 3 certifications by the end of this coming summer. I enjoy playing multi community games. Have lead guilds have been soldiers of guilds and well just looking for a new game to play and learn and meet new people.

Congratulations to the new recruits! Looking forward to seeing you all in-game soon. :)

Still accepting applications in-game and in the thread. :)
Feel free to send a message to any of the GMs!
Lynavi, Thegamerguy, Rickdaflamer
Or any officer!
Telekinetic-Monkey, Jendar-Nox, Yulrych, or Contracodex!
We look forward to seeing your applications!
Dang it lyn i told you duskstrike was my main.
Yeah guys, feel free to mail me as contracodex or duskstrike. Recruiting is literally my only job.

Age: 13, not like you need to know all my personal information.
Gender: Male
Time Zone: UTC -4 (Greater Toronto Area)
How often do you play? Very often.
What's your strongest skill in-game? Swordsman.
What other mmos have you played? None.
Viop (voice chat programs): Skype, but my microphone is malfunctioning and not working.
Why do you want to join our guild? I want a guild that suits my tastes. I hope this is a good guild.
About yourself: A guy who often snarks, has a strange sense of humor and spends almost 24/7 on the computer. Maybe.

Still accepting applications in-game and right here in the thread! :)
Congratulations to the new recruits!
Can't wait to see some of you in-game soon.

We are still recruiting, so don't be afraid to apply!

IGN: Razorlined
Age: 18
Gender: M
Time Zone: GMT0
How often do you play? Haven't been playing too much recently, but I check up on SK every now and then to see what's new, not opposed to the idea of getting back into Spiral Knights again.
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner) Bakery. (srs?) I don't know if I have a strongest skill, but I lean more towards a Sword-Gunner hybrid playstyle.
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites) World of Warcraft, Aion: Towers of Eternity,
Voip (voice chat programs): Any and all that are necessary (mostly used Skype, Vent, Raidcall)
Why do you want to join our guild? A lot of the "oldschool"/legacy guilds have either taken off or are slowly starting to leave so I need a new home, why not start here?
About yourself: My days are more or less filled with pondering life and it's "bigger" questions, writing music, doodling, daydreaming, listening to daft punk while I sway and headbang like a total nutcase.
IGN: The-Ghost-Spiral
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Time Zone: UTC +01:00
Where are you from? Poland.
How often do you play? I play mostly 1 hour a day.
What's your strongest skill in-game? Mostly I play as swordsman.
What other mmos have you played? I played RuneScape and PlanetSide 2. I don't really remember the rest.
Viop : I actually don't have any, but I suppose I can type fast.
Why do you want to join our guild? I was searching for some mature (but also with humor) co-op like guild like this.
What is your favorite chocolate and why? I like areo chocolate. Don't ask why.
About yourself: {Insert "about yourself" here} Yeah, I don't have much to say
(Bye and I hope I get accepted :D)

Did I ask?
just born
Time Zone:
Why is Time Zone important anyway? Not answering any more of these
How often do you play?
I only came for the free muffins
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner)
Dinner preparer
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites)
The adventures of Bob! (where everyone is bob, and only bob)
Viop (voice chat programs):
Where did the i come from?
Why do you want to join our guild?
Is this the Teen Titans?
About yourself:
My dad says I shouldn't talk to YOU

Thank you for the new applications, and welcome to the new recruits!
Looking forward to seeing you all in-game!
Pipipipipi, please look back at your application. If you could edit some of your answers, then we may reconsider you as a new addition to our guild.
Thank you.
Pipipipipi is posting troll posts on most of guild threads. There's no need to answer on his posts.
IGN: Mondez.
Age: Fourteen this year.
Gender: Male.
Time Zone: GMT +8:00
How often do you play? I tend to play on alternate days as I have many school activities and other things to attend to.
What's your strongest skill in-game? I usually tend to be a Swordsman, but when I'm low on health, I switch to my trusty Blaster and fire at my enemies from a distance before recovering my health.
What other MMOs have you played? AQW, 8BitMMO, Warframe, and others. I have held leadership ranks in all of these games.
Viop (voice chat programs): I'd prefer not to communicate with voice, plus, I don't have a mic anyway.
Why do you want to join our guild? I have just recently started my journey in Spiral Knights. Thus, I want to find a community which respects its members, is friendly, and can actively participate in teamwork activities such as LD. I also want to improve my interaction skills with fellow guild members and perhaps, make a few new friends, too.
About yourself: An active member in my school's Literature, Drama and Debate Society, I'm quite the realist in terms of personality, and I'm interested in all things current affairs. When not participating in any school activities, I play Spiral Knights, TF2, and other games on my laptop. On weekends, I usually go for activities such as marathons, walkathons, and whatever you can throw a stick at (metaphorically).

@Combinat I have problems :(
IGN: Melt-Man
Age: 24
Gender: male
Time Zone: central time USA
How often do you play? usually a few hours every day
What's your strongest skill in-game? (Bomber, Swordsman, Gunner) swordsman, carry guns as a back up
What other mmos have you played?(If you have many, name favorites) diablo 3, guild wars 2
Viop (voice chat programs): none
Why do you want to join our guild? looking for a fun guild with some t3 players
About yourself: generally just looking to have a good time