But has anyone ever "maxed" out defense? I mean...hmm...how to explain...I know! Scenario!
I sorta remember a zombie hitting me in D25 whilst wearing full Snarbo/Shadowsun and I "think" it did 3 bars of damage (not counting any status ailments). So what if you take it to the extreme? Max Normal + Max Shadow on each piece, 2 Shadow trinkets and to top it all off, a healthy dose of poison?
How much damage will you take then?
Because from what I learned, defense bonuses give a fixed increase/fixed damage decrease. Fixed damage decreases become exponentially effective the closer damage received reaches zero. Let me give an example.
Currently taking 3 bars/pips of damage per zombie swing. Assume all aforementioned bonuses, excluding poison, reduce damage by a total of 2 -2!- pips.
Total damage taken = 1 bar/pip. A 66.7% damage reduction.
What if we add poison? Say damage decreases a further half pip.
Total damage taken = 0.5 bars. A 50% further decrease from previous.
We need screenies of maxed defense gear taking hits! For science!
I really wanna know if being a tank is viable T.T
This is more of a plea than anything.
Yes. Please figure this out.
Also note that max normal + max shadow on Dread Skelly would be stronger by about 1 bar.