Anybody else have this happen? I regularly have people join when the party is locked. Generally it will always be someone from my friends list/guild. I know for a fact that the party is completely locked. I don't really care, since i can go solo if i want and still be by myself. Anyhow, just wondered if anyone else has experienced this.
No i have not filed a bug report. It doesn't really bother me enough to do so, but i was curious to see if this happened to others.
yep. had my party locked, even to friends and guild, and in pops a random person who had friend-requested me last night out of nowhere (i've really gotta stop accepting those). neither one of us had any idea how he got there. it was depth 1, i told him he'd be fine and gave him the boot, lol...i can do without the lag i get when teaming, even in t1.