Add an option to use the old UI

The old UI didn't really need any redesign, or rework. Why not adding an option for people to use the old UI if so they want?
A lot of people will prefer the old one over the new one for the reasons that are currently being exposed in this forum. I can foresee a lot of complaints from players with this new UI.
This alternative would make everyone happy. Those who prefer the new, reworked interface, and those who'd rather stick to the old one.

Options to revert to previous UIs pretty much don't ever exist in software development. Don't hold out hope for this.

yea. its hard for an artist to trash work he/she believes(d) in. but i hope for them to selfreflect about it. and either tweak, redo or remove it
They shouldn't have wasted their time making a change that nobody wanted. That is their fault, and now it is our problem.

"yea. its hard for an artist to trash work he believes(d) in. but i hope for them to selfreflect about it. and either tweak, redo or remove it"
Indeed. Plus add in the fact that that anytime you make a change both good or bad, someone doesn't like it. So they'll probably ignore any of the legitimate criticisms thinking it's just amounts to the typical naysayers.

It would be really sad if that happened. Because I really believed in the people who make this game. Proof of their mindset was in the game itself and i apreciate it a lot
Now it's almost like they turned a 180 degree with their focus.
Wonder if this had been the plan from the get go or them just changing their minds. Either way, I hope they listen to our feedback this time. Moreso than anytime before

I also hope so, Djawed.
If they don't, I'll lose what's left of the hope I have in this game.

Shoot, something's changed and I don't like it. Why aren't the developers bowing before my wishes?

"Why don't we just add the option to switch back to the previous version every time there's an update
Because change is evil (apparently) >.<"
Apparently reading is evil too.

The new UI has useful features and makes the game look a bit more streamlined plus the fact that you can remove a large part of the menus from the screen is big thumbs up. Plus with the amount of development time and effort poured into this, I don't think OOO will be making that an option just so a handful of players can get back to using an outdated UI. Granted to original worked it was slow and clunky, not to mention it looked a bit antiqued (not always a bad thing, but for a game alien space knights, It doesn't fit).

I disagree, the current (which I'll refer to as old) UI suits the style and art of the rest of the game, the new UI does not suit Spiral Knights AT ALL.
no, the old UI is far from antiquated, in fact, it's one of the most modern looking UIs that I have ever seen, ushering a contemporary 2D style, 3D is NOT always better. As far as the style is concerned, the context doesn't matter, if you want a shiny Sci-fi looking UI go play Starcraft.
yes, there may have been a lot of effort put into creating this new UI, but that is what testing is for, I trust three rings to know the stakes of changing a game's features before they do it.

Then you don't disagree, you're actually agreeing with me. Lol.
Yeah, if they're dead set on this because of the time they invested in it, an option to revert it would be nice.