Spooky's Test Server Fun Time Discussion

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It's been a long time since the devs have opened up the test server, in fact, it's been a while since the last danger mission update that it was open (Ghost In The Machine). So I'm actually pretty excited to have new content to test. Anyway, let's get onto the content shall we!?

Level Design

This is some of the strongest level design I have seen so far into this game and I'd really like to see more of it implement onto exisiting content. The combination of clockwork tunnels fused with wild path levels is very interesting. I'd like to consider that you add a few more environmental hazards like the vents that release poison/fire/ice etc.

Monster Behavior and Challenge

I noticed the HP of these new monsters is rather low--I'm somewhat bothered by that, but considering that these monsters are suppose to swarm, I guess that's a fair trade off. Let's start with Dust Bunnies, then, Scarabs and finally with the Glop Drop (or as I would like to call them, the Brute Jellies).

Dust Bunny

Dust Bunnies are curious monsters but lack they bite power to really shake down an experienced player at Tier 3. Consider lowering the length of time they take before lunging at the player; it's far too long. The strength of their attack is moderate, so they should attack faster and more relentless. I'd also like to see if they have a second attack such as like a charged headbutt with would inflict normal damage.


The scarab actually provided me with a fair amount of challenge, but I think some tweaks are needed to their attack pattern. The scarabs should lock onto a single target and attack, meaning they should have a homing function. This would only feel natural as seeing it is one of the few flying monsters in the game. They're behavior can like the Greavers in terms of how they lock onto a player.

Glop Drop

The single monster I was most excited for was a major disappointment. Their AI and movements are slow and they don't seem to be much of a challenge at all. You can even defeat them when they put their spikes out, which I think is step backwards. Give the drops invulnerablity while they are in their attack mode and buff up their AI. Something strange I noticed too, In Tier 3, the glops only inflict normal damage, despite being a slime in Tier 3. They should at least do some piercing damage, right?

The New UI

Actually looks really good, despite what the naysayers are chatting about. It's going to take a bit to adjust to everything being moved around but it's not bad. I especially liked the scrollbar in the chatbox, but I was really hoping to see individual windows for talking to guilds, friends, etc. There is a big problem though, I should mention with the instance selection window; it freezes the entire game! That's right, the whole game freezes for about 20 seconds and completely locks up. I'd write that up as a bug, but this is the UI section.

Also, I noticed that knights now I have white names, what is the meaning of that? The names aren't the same as personal colors anymore is this is a WIP kind of thing. I don't like how the minimap obscures the players personal color don't or not even display it accurately. I can't say I'm a fan of that, but then again, that could be a WIP too. The option to zoom in closer to the ground in an interesting perspective but why is it needed, along with the large portrait of the Knight in the upper left hand corner? It is going to do something other than stare blankly at me, right? I can't say much the HP and Shield bars, they aren't bad per se, but I can think of much to change them.

The weapon and armor stats looks better too in this new UI, also the transition between weapon is smoother and much easier on the eyes, no more popping up images!

Final Thoughts

The monsters are great but need to be reworked to become a greater challenge. On the last note, perhaps they can drop a bit more crowns too, the payout was dangerously low considering how many monsters there was. I'll update this thread with more information was I come across it! Thanks for your time!