Testing Feedback

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Hey! I was very excited to test this preview server. but lets get to what i'm here to say. My first issue to address.... the blue slimes you put in ><. once they become spike things, it's very hard and very annoying to avoid them, and harder to shoot them. Especially because they form mobs. My suggestion for this is that, maybe when they go into the spike form, they could move slower? Thanks!

Second issue: The Dust Bunnies(is that what they are called? the little yellow ball things?) You may(probably) want to lower the chance of their attacks setting a player on fire, because, again, they attack in mobs.

And Thirdly, what I liked! First, you changed the health bar, which looks awesome. then you moved it to the top and added the shield bar. the shield bar will be great. in some fights i don't realize my shield broke and i die....

Thanks for making such an awesome game!
Abbas Zaidi ~ Divergent-Solace