ultimate dungeon crawling

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Legacy Username

SK could probably use an 'infinite dungeon' mode, where you can just go down and down and down forever and the enemies get harder and harder with no cap on their stats, just a linear increase until you decide you absolutely can't take it anymore no matter how good your gear is

I assume random flavors of clockwork tunnels would be easiest to use for this

Legacy Username
the upside-down babel tower

hmmm...quite interesting, i might say...and it could be opened by going at least one time to the core. there could be middle stops where you can actually change your equips, from time to time (like, 10 floors), and heal points every 10th or 15th floor. Also, to make this interesting, you can make a group in the first floor, but no one can't enter the group after the beggining (it locks itslef automatically). And, to finish it up, there could be a lessened energy cost per floor, depending on the depth (let's say, reduce 1 energy per floor after the depth 20, then 2 after 30 (emberlight dificulty), then 3 after 40 (after-core dificulty), and so on, caping at 5 energy floor (where you would pratically be using most of your energy in revives)).

Legacy Username

Yeah, I thought about this before, sound pretty cool for a challenge. You could fight some really hard enemies after depth 30, that aren't seen anywhere else.

Legacy Username
boss run!!!

that just sounded on my head: after depth 30, if the group manages to pass it, then the group would find a boss every 2 levels or so, with new kind of bosses, old bosses with changed sprites and stronger attacks, and so on. For gameplay reasons, both the defense and health of the monsters should be capped at some level, to ensure that, at deeper levels, you will always kill the same monster in the same number of hits (maybe 20, saying that health of a pink jelly is capped at 200, and their defence can reduce your attack to 10 damage, at most, for strong weapons, and 2 for weaker weps/guns), but, instead, improving move speed (capped), charge speed (capped), and damage (not capped, probably a single hit from a pink jelly against a knight with 300 normal defense and shields up would cause enough damage to kill the knight 10 times at depth 50). And, finally, considering the linear advance, i calculate that, more or less, depth 40 would be the equivalent of depth 30 at the arcade, what is good.

Fast levels, with decent rewards for the chalenge (not as much as arcade...we don't want to add a feature that will render another useless), but only clockwork tunnels (appart from boss rooms)(with all the monsters as a possibility, not only the ones of the CT)(a reduction in goblin spawn rate would be great here)(also, total remove of treasure rooms with key/energy lock).