WTS Glacius CTR Medium
Please send me offers for the glacius ^_^
I do have CE to unbind.
WTB: Wolver coat/cap with stun high/max. Posion low or freeze low.
IGN: Fallconn.
WTS Glacius CTR Medium
Please send me offers for the glacius ^_^
I do have CE to unbind.
WTB: Wolver coat/cap with stun high/max. Posion low or freeze low.
IGN: Fallconn.
Did you put the c/o in the wrong place or are you actually selling it that cheap?
I Let my offer, but you have to know is impossible to upfront unbind. You need to find your way. If you can't unbind first, so, I can't agree with the trade.
I can probably find some ce to unbind it, but I still the reason I want 20k ce for it is because if I give it to you for 16k ce I only make a 12k ce profit, Which I cannot do.
u should increase the price till 23-24kce. APMO.
I have found one brandish with CTR, so, now I will craft my Combuster. I will retracted my offer. Thanks.
Inevitable, ty for free bump, have a piece of cake.
Free bump for being rude earlier.
Also, gotta say, I love the new description you put on the thread. It's very pretty, all those musical notes and what not :P
Yeah, Figured it'd draw people in because of all da shininess, And ty ^_^
Pretty bump for Captain Falconn and his artful bumps. Pity, really, I don't have the monies, let alone the energies, to buy your beloved Combuster, as enticing as it is.
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Very interested. Though i wont be on all that much tonight. Maybe for half an hour from now. Im sure w can come to an agreement of some kind :)
Woops, Guess I missed ya, what were you referring to though? Glacius or Combuster?