Testing Feedback Round 2: Updated Sub-Mobs and Levels.

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The Dust Bunnies aside from HP haven't changed at all. I'm still suggesting an Attack Speed Increase as compared to the other two, Dust Bunnies are insanely easy. I understand about Cannon Fodder and such (not a fan of it) but they still need to be able to have a chance at hitting. Even when cornered two swipes of my BTB (No UVS, No Damage Bonus) took out an entire army.


The HP increase definitely made these a bit more troublesome compared to Dust Bunnies. I often had myself surrounded trying to strafe and avoid their attacks while countering. However, I don't know if this is something you should think about with Sub-Mobs but Electron Vortex made them a complete joke. Placing one down then charging an attack took them all out in a single swipe without much work what-so-ever. I'd probably suggest if flying, prevent them from being sucked in at least. The HP though really made a huge difference. It's a shame that wearing a full Snarby/Skolver/Chaos will completely just revert them back to their original state.

I don't know if it's a spoiler or not (if it is, feel free to remove this line) but I really liked the poison-tehemed version of them. It's really where they shined.


These now, are what Mini-Mobs should be: They're annoying! Annoying in an extremely good way! In fact I don't know why you can't apply the same buff to the rest of the Mini-Mobs. Often times I was completely being overrun by them and I had to carefully time my attacks otherwise my attack would completely cancel and I'd end up having quite a few of them on me without being able to do anything until I got far enough away from them. Honestly, these are my favorite just because of their complete scheme. Electron Vortex much like the Scarabs made them a bit of a joke but without the bomb I actaully... like... had fun for once with an enemy. It's honestly my favorite level out of all of them.

The only thing that bugged me is that they inflict Normal Damage instead of Piercing. It's kinda silly


Overall, the Gel Drops are probably my favorite out of all of them and both the Dust Bunnies and the Grave Scarabs deserve the same buff they had applied: Incrasing their attack speed really made a huge difference. Even though they were Cannon Fodder and are meant to be, they felt like a small challenge due to the sheer number with them. Out of all of them though, Dust Bunnies REALLY need to be buffed.

Although I don't know if suggestions are taken into consideration or not, I'd like to see Menders accompany most of the mini-mobs or at least some larger-sized enemy kinda like an Ice-Cube with all those Gel Drops or even have a Gun Puppy surrounded by them. It'd increase the difficulty while not taking away from the fact of "Cannon Fodder"


I really love the level design versus your first attempt. A lot of the traps were original and really cool and overall, it was pretty fun to go through. I have a feeling I know what you're doing with these and if I'm right, I'm clapping my hands right now.

A lot of the levels were really fresh and it was really nice to get out of the undead-themed location. I liked how I was consnatly in and out of the wilderness into the interior of the clockworks. There were a lot of cool things to look around at an I really enjoyed it. The Finale could have been a bit better and honestly, I'm hoping it'll be a "final" arena since often times it feels like it.

I really like what you did with the Lights by the Switch by the way, it was a really cool addition.


Overall, this is a lot better than the first time you opened it up, the levels were a lot more fresh and I really loved everything about the level design and the semi-updated mobs. The Mobs seem to increase in difficulty based on level-design so I'd suggest working around that. I also suggest applying the Attack-Speed/Movement Speed buffs to both the Dust Bunnies and Grave Scarabs.

Honestly, I wish I could find three-people to try out the misison with me but during my playthrough no one was online. It's a disappoitment but I hope that OOO plans on opening the test server again soon.

EDIT: Should note that re-reading it, I suggest improving the crown payout by a bit more. Through about three levels I only got about 4k. I'd have been able to give you more information if you didn't kinda remove the Crown location to inventory only...


So basically what you are saying is, I want this new race of angry beetles to defy an already impossible bomb, and render the whole line of vortex related bombs useless against them.