●*●*●*●""ARCK's SHOP""●*●*●*● WTS GranFaust ASI Medium, Divine Avenger CTR Medium

86 replies [Last post]
Arcknightdelta's picture

Welcome fellow knights and friends!

Ingame name Arcknightdelta

Post your offers with your ingame name here please. I DON'T log in as often, so please POST ALL OFFERS HERE.

I have traded with a lot of people in game. Trust is not an issue its second nature when it comes to providing an honest service to with whom ever I am dealing with. If there is anything you are interested in, you can post your interest here and send me the cr/ce in game if we agree on the price. As soon as I read your post I will log in and send you the item. That will be the fastest and easiest way to get your item.

If you desperately want to trade face to face in game still post your offer here and send me a friends request in game, with the name of the item you wish to buy. As soon as I read your post I will log in, accept your friend request and mail you the item when I am available. This may take some time as I am at work most of the day, and asleep when all the none EU players are online.

Post offers in CE or CR only please.

Thanks for your time.


----------------------------------------------------● SELLING ●---------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------● !!!!!Arck's DEAL BUSTER of the WEEK!!!!! ●------------------------------


----------------------------------------------------● Featured ●---------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------● CUSTOM SETS ●----------------------------------------------

* http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/79077

----------------------------------------------------● SWORDS ●---------------------------------------------------

●●●5 STARS●●●

* Divine Avenger CTR Medium …..6,000ce

* Gran Faust ASI Medium …..8,000ce

-------------------------------------------------------● GUNS ●-----------------------------------------------------

* Nova Driver CTR Medium .....6,000ce

----------------------------------------------------● ARMOURS ●--------------------------------------------------

* Volcanic Demo Suit Piercing Medium .....6,000ce

----------------------------------------------------● HELMETS ●---------------------------------------------------

* Vog Cub Cap UV Piercing Medium with Volcanic Spike Mohawk and Hallow Mecha Wings attached .....6,000ce

----------------------------------------------------● SHIELDS ●----------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------● COSTUMES ●---------------------------------------------------

* Humbug Mask .....150,000cr

----------------------------------------------------● MATERIALS ●-------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------● ACCESSORIES ●------------------------------------------------

* Fancy Binocular Visor .....10,000cr

* Haunted aura .....3,000ce

* Haunted aura .....3,000ce

* Hallow parrying blade .....120,000cr

* Hallow parrying blade .....120,000cr

* Hallow parrying blade .....120,000cr

* Hallow scarf .....100,000cr

* Hallow bomb bandolier .....30,000cr

* Hallow bomb bandolier .....30,000cr

* Toasty Helm-Mounted Display .....15,000cr


-----------------------------------------------● WISH TO BUY LIST ●--------------------------------------------

* http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/79168


------------------------------------------------● PRICE CHECK ●---------------------------------------------------



------------------------------------------------------● SOLD ●-------------------------------------------------------


* SNARBOLAX CUSTOM SET .....16,000ce

* SNARBOLAX CUSTOM SET (2) .....32,000ce


* GRAN FAUST.....UV ASI HIGH.....13,000ce

* VOLTEDGE .....UV ASI HIGH.....10,000ce

* VOLTEDGE .....UV CTR MEDIUM .....8,000ce

* VOLTEDGE .....UV ASI MEDIUM.....7,000ce

* VOLTEDGE .....UV CTR MEDIUM.....590,000cr

* FANG OF VOG .....UV ASI V.HIGH.....15,000ce

* LEVIATHAN BLADE .....UV ASI LOW.....4,700ce

* POLARIS .....UV DMG MEDIUM Undead .....5,000ce

* UMBRA DRIVER UV DMG SLIME Med .....4,800ce

* DIVINE DRAGON WINGS .....8,000ce

* TAILS TAIL .....7,000ce

* HACKED AURA .....27,500ce

* DUSKY SPIKE MOHAWK .....30,000cr

* COOL MECHA WINGS .....30,000cr (AH)

* HEAVY GOGGLES .....2,000cr (AH)

* FANCY SCARF .....210,000cr

* AUTOGUN UV CTR HIGH .....4,000ce + 1 Shadow lair Key

* AUTOGUN UV CTR HIGH + UV SLIME DMG low .....Traded for Heavy Scarf

* DIVINE HALO .....500,000cr

* DIVINE WINGS .....500,000cr

* METAL SONIC MASK .....300,000cr

* CREST OF WINTER .....200,000cr

* COOL MOHAWK .....200,000cr

* HALLOW WINGS .....1,500ce

* FROSTY WINGED HELM .....4,000cr

* CREST OF WINTER .....2,000ce

* HALLOW WINGS .....1,500ce

* GOLDEN LAUREL .....150,000cr

* CUSTOM QUICKSILVER HELM (golden Laurel + regal Mohawk + hallow glasses) .....1,800ce

* AUTOGUN CTR MEDIUM .....100,000cr

* KAT TRIBE FETISH .....60,000cr

* KAT TRIBE FETISH .....60,000cr

* SHOGUN HELM .....75,000cr + 1,200ce

* CALLAHAN ASI Medium .....6,000ce


Arcknightdelta's picture
Please only offer in CE or CR thanks

Items that do not have a price, you can offer, but please be reasonable. I am not selling cheap to resellers. I know who you all are :D

Apophis-Set-Two's picture

Yay! A real shop!

:/ you got an unbound tails tails I can buy? :D

Alabystryjones's picture
Shogun helm, price? I was

Shogun helm, price? I was thinking around 100k? Also, do you have a tricorn?

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Apophis-Set-Two

Sorry I only had 2. Gave one to my brother who used it on his skolver, which I'm now selling. And sold the other for 7,000ce. This is all I have left now.

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Alabystryjones

150,000cr and we got a deal for the shogun helm

Sorry no more tricorns. What ever I have listed here is all I got left. But I believe my good mate Celestial-Dragoon is selling some. Check out his thread.

P.S Whats your ingame name?

Apophis-Set-Two's picture

Aww k :3

Posted in your other thread :D

Arcknightdelta's picture
triple boom!


Alabystryjones's picture
Yea talked to

Yea talked to celestial-dragoon... didn't go so well ... 150k is kinda tough for me there is one in the AH for 120k buy now... I was planning on getting the battle pack, so if I do I'll buy yours though, I'm a good guy. Just not now. If someone else wants it sell it to them but otherwise I'm on the line.

My Ign: is fragglehaggle
btw I own the Haggle's Market, XD

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Alabystryjones

Ok mate. If you can do 120,000cr I'll put it on hold for you for a week. If you can make the price its yours anywhere from now till next Monday. After that I'll leave it open for sale again.

Alabystryjones's picture
I'll pay you 135k for the

I'll pay you 135k for the wait if it takes that long, I'm not sure how long it will take. If it's longer than a week I'll come back with 170k

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Alabystryjones

Ok I'll hold it for you till Monday. Good luck with selling your things as well.

Alabystryjones's picture
Ty :D... tbh I was hoping for

Ty :D... tbh I was hoping for a quick bump XD... do you think the prices are too high? :o

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Alabystryjones

Posted at you thread.

WTB Toasty Valkyrie Wings

P.M. Latty-Dno

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Latty-New

Sorry don't have any. Try Erridunno in game he normally has a few of each colour. Tell him Arcknightdelta sent you. And send my regards :D


Arcknightdelta's picture

Added some Low UV'd Brandish's, Flourish's and Autogun's

Added prices to all items.

Celestial-Dragoon's picture
wew,at last a real shop...

# alaby dude, i didnt even remember talking to you :O

Arcknightdelta's picture


Seamonn's picture
I'll buy the crest of winter.

I'll buy the crest of winter.

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Seamonn

Cool. Are you in game now? Also what is your in game name, so I can contact you?

Edit: If you want you can send me the 2kce and as soon as I log in I'll mail you the crest.

Edit: I'll put the crest of winter on hold for you. Will be online tomorrow now 10am GMT..

Tails tails

Do u have any tails tails for sale

Seamonn's picture
hey Arck , I am traveling so

hey Arck , I am traveling so I can't log into SK till Friday , I'll definitely buy the crest on Friday.

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Killerlai

No sorry. Only have it attached to a skolver coat. Cheapest way to get it would be to offer on that.

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Seamonn

Ok. Will hold it for you till Friday.

Apophis-Set-Two's picture

I see you're starting to rage-craft :3

I may have another shipment of 14kce sitting in my mail, I can't check till 10pm EST... if I do, I'll send it over and post here ;)

Hotspark's picture
Dem Hallow Wings

Think you can do 1.5k on the Hallow Wings if ya still got'em? ><

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Hotspark

Ye I can do 1.5kce on the Hallow wing. You want to mail me the ce or meet in game mate? Best to trade via mail. Until you get back to me I'll put it on hold for you.

I will need your in game name either way :D


Arcknightdelta's picture
# Apophis-Set-Two

Ye started crafting some things. Brother wants some good UVs. As I have no need for mist I craft for him XD.

About the ce, ye that's cool mate. Thanks

Arcknightdelta's picture
cool mohawk

Sold via mail in game. Thanks for trust.

Hotspark's picture

I can meet you in game if you want ign: Hotspark I can mail too though. Just give me an ign and let me know what you wanna do :D

lol I see your ign: I'll go ahead and mail it, you seem trust-worthy.

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Hotspark

Cool. Its 12am GMT, just getting into sleep mode lol. Didn't want to worry you waiting for the item, so replying back now. I wake up around 9am everyday, I'll check my mail if I got your ce will defo send the wings then. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for the trust.

P.S. Hope you get a good offer for your DA.

Wish to buy Hallow Wings

Greetings Arc :)
Desperate in having a pair of wings on my toon
Just wish to ask if it is possible to have the price lower?
Post here with my ign first :)
IGN: Mikekaizer

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Mikekaizer

Hey. Lowest I can go is 1,500ce, as thats the offer Hotspark and I agreed on. I dont mind holding onto the wings while you raise the ce.

Arcknightdelta's picture
Hallow Wings Sold via ingame mail

Thanks for the trade and trust Hotspark.

Arcknightdelta's picture

Autogun CTR Medium .....2,000ce

Happy to take offers in ce or cr.

Edit: Sold .....100,000cr

Re: Wish to buy Hallow Wings

Okay :)
So I would be sending the 1.5k CE to you once I log in
Thanks for the generous price :D

Arcknightdelta's picture
Hallow wings and Crest Of Winter Sold Via ingame mail

Thanks for the trade Mikekaizer

Thanks for the trade Seamonn

And trust from both of you.

Arcknightdelta's picture
Voltedge CTR Medium

SOLD .....590,000cr thanks a lot!

Aeolian's picture
Snarbo set

I'd like to buy the snarbo set!

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Aeolian

What's your in game name?

You can send the ce via mail in game, as soon as I log in I'll send the set. 90% of all the trades I have done have been through mail in game, haven't had any issues. Once you send the ce please let me know here so I can log in and check. Thanks for the trust.

In game name Arcknightdelta

Aeolian's picture
Snarbo set

My in game name is Aeolian. Ill send it right about now. Looking forward to your next epic set. Thank a lot!


Arcknightdelta's picture
# Aeolian

Cool. I'll log in after 10mins if the ce is there expect the set within the next 15-20mins.

Edit: Snarbolax Set sold. Thanks for the trust mate.

Aeolian's picture

I got it. +1 trust. Thanks again

Arcknightdelta's picture
Skolver Coat with Tails Tail attached

Only this set left to buy now.

Buyout is 10,000ce

Edit: Aeolian is also interested in buying the Almirian Armor.

Edit: Plus the Almirian Armor Custom (on hold for Apophis-Set-Two, still waiting for the 28kce)

Haganb's picture
is the gran faust unbound?

is the gran faust unbound?

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Juiceboxhb

No. But unbinding it isn't a problem. If you are interested in buying you can send me the ce via mail, and in return I'll mail the Gran Faust.

Edit: Gran Faust ASI Med on hold till 16/04/2013

Edit: Once you send the ce please post here as soon as you have done it. That way I know when to send the Gran Faust back. Thanks

Arcknightdelta's picture
Skolver Coat with Tails Tail attached

Current Offer .....8,000ce (Fyriie)

Have any Frosty Scale helms?

Have any Frosty Scale helms?

Arcknightdelta's picture
# Ka-Kuzu

Sold 100s of frosty and hallow costumes on the AH over the weekend form 3-20kcr. I'm not sure if I have anything good left that is either bright orange or frosty white. I'll have a look though.

Edit: Sorry all gone. Only some frosty and Hallow costumes left.

Arcknightdelta's picture

* Magic Cloak Fire RES Medium .....