Why is this game so fabulous?
lol (exit game) would u like to make a shortcut to your desktop? uhh. . .no how about u make a short cut to my trash bin breh?
Why is it so gay?
Well, see, in Beta, there was a slider that went from "No Homo" to "Faaaaaboulous".
Turned out that everyone liked it better faaaaaaabulous. So that became the default setting. We don't have the glittery pony jousts back from beta yet, but they're on the way. I await their arrival with intense anticipation. Intense.
It's okay if you're in denial about your love of the brilliant colors and whacky action. We know the truth; you can't stop playing, and it... gives you a funny feeling. But you feel guilty, so you've come here to try and work through that insecurity. Don't worry, we're here for you.
Group hug, everyone.
Game wasnt even on my pc for more than 3 mins, and if I'm reading this correctly, I think your hitting on me.
It's okay; you can go now. I wouldn't want someone of your grammatical skill on Spiral Knights anyway.
First of all, I would like to apologize. I lied. I haven't actually uninstalled the game yet. I'm not fluent in queer, so could someone walk me through the uninstall process of the (for lack of a better word) game?
Let's see. You A) didn't play the game for more than 3 minutes before calling it gay, B) can't understand how to uninstall things, C) insult the people who play this game then ask them to help you and D) are using your prejudice against gays to make up for your fear of losing your masculinity.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you went to my school.

Are you on Mac or PC - Either way just drag to trash, you should be in the clear. I had to do the same thing a few weeks ago, couldn't stand this stuff.
Na bro I'm sorry, I rode the normal bus to my school. It's understandable how your lazy eye could confuse the size of a normal bus and the tart cart you rode to school. I don't believe I am unjustified in calling this game gay, considering as how someone else has the same opinion as me. But I digress I will move this conversation from the negative to the positive. You managed to count to D, I commend you, maybe in the future we can get you to counting numbers. I commend your efforts and am here to support you in your further education.

LETS SEE!!! Why the BEEP :) would an educated person make a pointless topic on a forum for their own pleasure stating that something is gay...
"I commend your efforts and am here to support you in your further education."
Aw, Kibburs, we all know why you're really sticking around. You're hoping, against all hope, that one of us will penetrate that blustering facade of machismo and insults you've build. That someone will touch you, deep inside, and bring squeals of happiness back to your lonely, lonely nights.
You don't need to pretend. It's okay.
So...the entire point of your initial post was to come in here to bash the game you hardly/didn't play? What sort of response were you expecting exactly?
I suppose I could ask what you didn't like about the loading screen or the character creation process, but honestly you don't really seem like you are interested in an actual discussion as you immediately devolved into carrying on this tangent of insults with the people who rose to your initial bait.
So I ask again....what was the point exactly?
This thread has proved its point.
"Aw, Kibburs, we all know why you're really sticking around. You're hoping, against all hope, that one of us will penetrate that blustering facade of machismo and insults you've build. That someone will touch you, deep inside, and bring squeals of happiness back to your lonely, lonely nights."
Keep your homosexual advances to someone who plays this game.
That you don't have one? Or that you are simply trolling?
I'm still not seeing the purpose here.
"This thread has proved its point."
I've heard it called a lot of things, but 'proving your point' is a new one for me.
Really, I would have hoped for more stamina from you. But, well, it was pretty good for me, too. I just hoped it would last a little longer.

"I don't believe I am unjustified in calling this game gay, considering as how someone else has the same opinion as me."
Have people seriously never seen an trolling thread before? Kibburs is being obnoxious on the internet to get a rise out of people. Yes, that is as pathetic as it sounds, but he's just desperate for any sort of attention. If you leave him alone, he'll buzz off eventually.
Aww...my entertainment is gone.
Boooo Joydmn ruined everything :(
I do humbly accept the Buzzkill Award.
*Lights up a smoke*
Don't worry. I'm betting he'll be back. Over, and over, and over again.
I don't know Leviathan, he's "got things to do". Sounds like he's a busy guy, a real "mover and shaker" so to speak.
Agreed, i'd say that would increase the coolness of this thread by about 20%

"Well, see, in Beta, there was a slider that went from "No Homo" to "Faaaaaboulous".
Turned out that everyone liked it better faaaaaaabulous. So that became the default setting. We don't have the glittery pony jousts back from beta yet, but they're on the way. I await their arrival with intense anticipation. Intense.
It's okay if you're in denial about your love of the brilliant colors and whacky action. We know the truth; you can't stop playing, and it... gives you a funny feeling. But you feel guilty, so you've come here to try and work through that insecurity. Don't worry, we're here for you.
Group hug, everyone."
Leviathan. Seriously... best, answer, EVER.
i just wanna say i laughed non-stop for about 20 minutes after reading eveybodys creative insults on this thread