Greetings, Spiral Knight Dahkura here~! c: ♥
Ever come across certain knights who's look catches your eye? I for one LOVE the various customizations we have with our characters in this game. It's simple, but you are able to craft so many different looks with colors, accessories, and even expressions and height. I want YOU to share your looks with the community!
I want to see some of your fashions here! They can either be your Dream Knight (items previewed in the Auction House), your actual knight (screenshot of your fave look), or someone else who simply looks darling! Just post a link here to a screenshot of your knight! I hope I see some lovely looks! :3
Hello Spiral Knight Dahkura, this is Spiral Knight Mynocks here!
Wow there are so many (great) costumes and what not in Spiral Knights. My personal favorite is the classic Ash Tail Coat with the Grey Feather Cowl. It may not look all that interesting and it may not be very creative but this is my opinion after all so whoever says those horribly mean things is probably wrong about everything in life. Also I believe fashion also includes the shield and sword combo along with the armor. For example, even though I don't even have this, I still think it would look pretty sweet having a Skolver Coat, Divine Veil, Grey Owilite Shield, and Divine Avenger. Also Wolver cap and coat should be deleted from this game permanently. That is all
If you don't like reading, I like hoods with fur coats (so innovative)