Hello there, general forum. A few of us over at the Wiki forum have been secretly at work recording specific damage numbers for various weapons, and soon we will begin adding some handy-dandy damage charts to weapons' wiki pages.
No longer will you have to wonder which weapon really DOES give you the best bang for your buck, or just how much of a difference using effective damage types make.
A quick question of preference for you all, however: would you like these damage charts to list the highest damage your weapon will do within a given stratum (usually what it will be doing on the last floor) or would you rather have it list the "average" damage (usually what it will do right in the middle)?
If you are curious what these charts are going to look like, I've already started one for the Graviton Bomb: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Graviton_Bomb
This format and visual design could still change, mind you, and of course it will be different for weapons that work differently, but you get the basic idea. Feel free to let me know what you think, and if there is anything you would change. (And for the love of all that is informational, if any code-minded people can figure out a way for me to get rid of those erroneous "{{SKCell" and "}" on the table without the entire thing ceasing to function, let me know!)
If any of you would like to help out with this damage-recording project, feel free to join us over at the Wiki section of the forums. In the mean time, let me know your vote on "average vs. highest".
I don't see the point of highest since that means that's what it would do by the very end of a given tier which means by the time I hit that value, I'm already done and moving on into the next tier. Plus it may curve unrealistic expectations about damage.
But to be honest, lowest to highest ranges would be an ok trade off to me.