How would i go about trading some dota 2 items with you?
{WTS} - Combuster CTR MED - Magic Sets UV High - Love Auras - DOTA 2 50ce - PRICES LOWERED!

Well you would trade over STEAM. However I am not looking for Dota2 items, I am just selling the game.
I didn't mean you buying my dota 2 items, also i know over steam it how would i go about adding you, you don't need to be mean about it i was going to buy your dota 2 items for ce if you had any that is but nevermind.

I wasn't being mean. Sorry if that is how you took it. I also don't have any Dota2 items, sorry!
It's okay, it sounded a little mean but it's okay :') and alright nevermind then
Silver Keys are slightly overpriced.
750ce (Silver Keys from Supply Depot) and 100ce is about 7kcr so 750x7kcr is 52,500cr and you sell them at 53kcr.
Also, I will buyout the Magic Hood Elemental High for 60kcr

Oh last I checked CE was around 7400cr per 100 so it was like 55kcr or something. I will check again and adjust.
What is your IGN?
My IGN: Il-Kenshi-Il
BTW I don't blame you about the Silver Key prices, the CE prices change so dramatically, so quickly. :P

k it says you are offline right now. Add me Xxenohart when you are online and we can meet up!
Yeah, we must be in different Time Zones (it happens alot).
My Timezone is GMT+0 so I would probraly be able to go online from 5-7pm tomorrow (My time). But I don't think the time zones between us should be too bad since Ive seen you online twice in the past week.
Tell me a time to meet up!
Sold and Added some things!