Live Stream:
Discuss. cause I'm crying right now
Live Stream:
Discuss. cause I'm crying right now
Just read news, actually happened
2 explosions near the end of the race, 2 reported dead, 20+ wounded, announced that this is an act of terror.
I've heard 3 explosions, I've heard 40+ wounded, terror, not terror, found diffused bombs, didn't... Like I said, I'll wait for them to get an official version out.
As of today...
1. 170+ wounded
2. 3 people confirmed dead, an 8 year old is amoungst them
3. 3 explosions ; 2 at boston, one at JFK library.
BTW, I live in Newton MA, pretty close to boston, and I did hear the explosions at the time.
As often seems to be the case anymore. I was absolutely clueless until I read this thread. Game forums, the source of all news. First, fast and reliable. :P
Then I went to bed and didn't hear about it again until the next day.
Terrible... D=
Not to mention all the bomb threats, shootings, and poisoned-letters that have all happened TODAY...
I was spent on bombs. The counties bomb squad came flying down the highway with light on and sirens wailing and stoped right in front of the glass hut I work in. Whatever they were doing, they closed the road for 1/2 the day, worked in their white zoot suits and used robots. I figure this has to be major for lights and sirens and to close a main road for hours but not bad enough to evacuate the glass hut :/
I didn't want to here about bombs and explosions when I came home.
I believe that a great number of the injured were amputated?
Prayers & wishes go to them.
I also heard that an 8 year old lost his limb. *shuddder*
Im cerainly glad that I didnt go to the finish line that day. I went there last year.
= TERRORISTS AH! 9/11! MUSLIMS ARE EVIL!!!(aka, Youtube comments, don't look at it. Seriously.)
Seriously, as depressing it was(still prayers do go out, I want them to live),
.......More serious and depressing bombings happen in several places.
Just stating.
Still, hope the survivors recover.
I am increasingly disappointed with how the nations' media reports on events like this. They do everything they can to increase the drama, from word choices in the reporting to how the reporter uses their voice inflection, this is not done to further the viewers or listeners understanding of the known facts about the event, it is done with one single goal in mind - to increase viewer 'share' or their ratings. Ratings include EVERYTHING - from the actual initial report of the event to all the follow-ups, "expert" interviews, internet postings, tweets, etc. The media is no longer concerned with reporting just the facts, they now cover everything that could even have the SLIGHTEST hint to do with an event - all to create "buzz" or public interest(and mis-informed opinion) about the event.
I just wish that the media would report the FACTS they currently know about the event, and offer periodic updates as new facts become known. Dump the "expert" interviews, the unofficial announcements of information by anonymous "people involved in investigating", etc. - in fact, dump EVERYTHING except that which is not TRUTH and FACT.
Everyone does not need to know everything that could have , would have, or might been involved in every major event that happens. Report the known facts, let the trolls and flutter-heads sputter into silence so the true facts of the event can be clearly known and learned from - without the clutter of supposition, possibilities, maybes, and opinions to cloud the facts.
For the media, views > content. This has been the case forever.
I was about to say that the government should have its own news channel, so it doesn't have to worry about funding. But censorship and bias... :P
First, the bombing in Boston.
Then, the explosion in Waco, Texas.
And now... the cop getting shot on MIT campus?
What is this world coming to? :'(
I'll wait to say anything until people have actual facts, since after Newtown I know that news channels tend to mix up fact and rumor for a few hours.