Party dungeons

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Legacy Username

I would really like it if there were dungeons/gates were having a party to advance was obligatory (or really helpful) due to the mechanics.
To access these there would be a queue, or a similar system to create a party.

If this is not possible, these could anyways be implemented as alternative paths to normal progression in a dungeon, after a sign that tells you you need X party members to go that way. If implemented as alternative paths, there would be strong enemies and good loot in those paths.

Obligatory party:
- X switches, which should have a knight standing on each to activate. These might be found after a section that splits the knights, so they have to solo for a bit to get to their switch.
- Split path, where one knight on each path opens the gates of others in the other paths (as in Sakons Hideout from Majora's Mask)
- A giant pot/statue/etc that requires 4 knights to lift it at the same time (and has something interesting behind it).

Encouraged party:
- A dungeon that is completely pitch black (as in those screens from faulty video drivers) and requires one knight to carry around a lamp so the others can see. It can be left on the ground if needed, like golden keys.
- Reverse zombie totems, as in, you need someone to carry a totem that stops zombies from reviving

The only downside is what to do if a party member leaves. There should be workarounds to this. The most simple being having an elevator or a way to go back in each area.

Discuss. And give ideas. And copy Zelda 4 Swords.

Legacy Username
i'd love to see offshoots in

i'd love to see offshoots in dungeons that require multiple knights to get to DA TREASURE, yes

just steal some dungeons wholesale from zelda 4 swords and that'll be the best gate ever

Legacy Username
I wouldn't like mandatory

I wouldn't like mandatory partying (even though I do most my crawling in a 2-player party). I would like optional party content though: multiplayer versions of levels, with more intricate puzzles which can be solved only by multiple players working together - but only if you're already in a multiplayer party.

So if you're riding the elevators alone, you get single player instances. Period. If you're riding together, have a chance to multiplayer special content, with interesting multiplayer puzzles.

Legacy Username
You might bump on some issues

You might bump on some issues though. What if a party-member dc's or suddenly has to leave? It would be a pitty if you're then stuck at an unsolvable level :P or if you instead all get send back to town when the level becomes uncompletable?

Legacy Username
You can always invite

You can always invite somebody new, that's what guilds and friend lists are for. And if that fails, then yes it's back to town. This would be a side-effect of multiplayer levels which you should be prepared to face. (Or to opt-out of when creating/joining a party?)

Legacy Username
True. My mind was a bit too

True. My mind was a bit too set on the current player-base. When things go live it won't be a real issue to find a replacement if needed.