Upgrade recipes either should NOT auto include an item, or indicate which item is in

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Legacy Username

So I had a Lvl 10 blaster (2 star), and a brand new Lvl 1 blaster. I went to make a Super Blaster.

Part of this was to test how 2-star and 3-star items compare with the "start weaker, and build up". Their attack values are about the same.

Recipe called for a Lvl 1 blaster, and there was a blaster filled in the Lvl 1 blaster slot. Good. Transmute.

Except that it took my Lvl 10 blaster.

Suggestion: Either:
1. Do not include an upgrade item if you have multiple
2. Indicate which item is being used (heat level, and unique special variant)

Do not require a mouseover to see what it is. If it cannot be visually confirmed, then do not default to anything.

I am definitely in agreement here.

I am definitely in agreement here. I feel your pain, as this has also cost me some hard work in the past. I think the best thing to do would be to not auto-include anything at all, and simply allow (force) the Knight to drag-and-drop the required Equip of their choice.

Until this is fixed:
If you ever again need to alchemize something which requires multiple Equips of the same type, try wielding the one you do not want to lose. This way you should not lose the wielded one, since Recipes require an Equip that is not being wielded.

Nick's picture
Until a recent bug cropped

Until a recent bug cropped up, alchemy auto-selected your least valuable item, taking in to account levels and UVs. That is what should be happening now. Until we fix this, please look before you leap.