I have money. I could buy CE with it, and I'd have uses for it; I could buy a neat pile of stuff off people, maybe try for a few neat UVs, and so on. I'm not opposed to doing this.
Thing is, when the Rose Regalia came out, I bought some CE pretty quick to get in on that. And now... since I'm not desperate for crystal, I'm waiting on the next special thing.
This set me to wondering - If a lot of people are doing this, too, that's gotta be cutting down the crystal supply.
So, is anyone else doing this?
It's more for me like I have more than enough CE now, especially because of the Rose Regalia, and find it unnecessary to buy CE for a long time. However if another Costume bonus came out like Rose Regalia I'd probably buy into it, reluctantly because I need to have it.