Gorgos and fiend feedback

First, a huge THANK YOU to OOO for fixing the keyboard facing bug I reported here! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I can't tell you how nice it was to be able to aim again, can't wait for the change to be implemented in-game.
Gorgos: I'm digging the new baddies. Aesthetically they are different enough to be unique, but still walk that menacing/adorable line that players have come to expect from the game. Also, their movement patterns and attack pattern is a nice departure from the rest of the fiend family--I liked that we didn't have another ranged attack to contend with, but that the combination of their being able to quickly close distance, along with being particularly aggressive, still made them formidable. Glacies mentioned that they could do with a bit of a health buff, and I would have to agree on that point: not only do you have a certain expectation of their having higher health based on the look of the baddie, but they are also the only fiend (minus silks) without the aforementioned ranged attack, and if they are going to get up in my face to attack I expect them to require more hits to take down.
A few things I noticed: first, am I correct that the number of bites scales up by tier? I could be wrong, but it seemed like I was getting 1 bite-3 bites, by tier (will go back and recheck this). Second, and a related problem, the second bite in t2 kept missing me. At one point I just stood still to check the damage, and every time after the attack telegraph, I would be hit by the first bite and missed by the second. Most of the grogos I ran into in t3 were in the arenas, so it was a bit harder to see if the second bite connected with all the damage flying around. Still, it's worth a look to see if the second bite isn't connecting with the players. Third, damage-wise they seemed to be in-line with the rest of the fiend family, but drop-wise they seemed a little light compared to devilites (and especially if their health is buffed a bit). Again, hard to be certain as most of them were in arenas where it was more difficult to keep track of numbers, but as long as they are similarly in-line with devilities I think the drop rate will be fair.
Fiends: As with most players, I do not look forward to encountering a swarm of grievers, and there were noticeably fewer of them in the levels I ran. I would say that overall, I felt the difficulty of the levels was more consistent with what I expect from the other enemy families--i.e., "easier" with the changes, yes, but still on par with other regular t3 content. Some people will complain that this is another nerf to some of the hardest t3 enemies, but I think the more balanced difficulty level will ultimately provide more room to expand into future content.
One final note: again, might just be me, but baddies overall felt more aggressive. Zoms, in particular, are kind of notorious for getting hung up on each other and ignoring players, but I had two of them legitimately FOLLOW me from room to room as I raced through trying to find gorgos. I don't know if any changes were intentionally made to overall enemy behavior outside of the addition of the gorgos, but regardless, whatever else was changed seems to have had some effect on how other enemies aggro to players (in a good way).

Oh man, the stomp attack is NASTY. I was wearing a snarby set with two love lockets and a single stomp took me down to about 50% health. I can understand wanting to limit that to groups only--could be a little rough for people running solo, and it has the potential to do more damage in parties anyway by catching more than one player. The only criticism I have is that the telegraph feels a bit plain. For an attack that packs such a punch, it was a.) a little hard to tell when it was coming, and b.) a little anticlimactic without the telegraph being a bit more dramatic. Also, did I see correctly that the stomp is normal damage?
Only, slightly related, but I would love to see a grown up version of the gorgos as a new boss. The regular gorgo attack is a bit reminiscent of the old t3 alpha wolves, and the stomp attack is... well, I guess it reminds me nostalgically of thwomps. Would be really fun in either t1 or t3.
Also, building a bit on what I wrote above: a friend and I were in a t3 fire arena with a combination of gorgos and grievers, and it was pleasantly difficult--both aggro directly to your character, and the combination of direct attack from the gorgos and status/ranged attacks from the grievers will be a nice challenge for players regardless of the number of grievers being reduced.

hmm... how should i say this (not great at comments)
The gargos were a great add. They really balance the recent nerf upon the devilite family, and fiends overall. It gave me a new challenge in normal levels, but made arenas BRUTAL to work threw O~O (so many bites T^T). Btw, dont remove tracking like the wolvers, that's no fun XD. They seem moderately slow to react, which I like. I welcome gargos to the lineup with open arms!
(I agree with Narfle, new boss please!)
PS: about that second bite, it seems that after the first hits, invinceframes appear and prevent the next from acually hitting. This may be fixed with a simple change in speed, just slow enough for the next bite. (or keep it, it doesn't matter much XD)
PPS: I noticed devilites are weaker than silkwings, SILKWINGS!? Maybe a slight HP increase to put them on par perhaps? :/

Slight update on the stomp attack: I played several levels with some friends later last night, and the telegraph seemed clearer. Not sure if a change was implemented or if it was just easier to see without a big mob around, but it clearly showed the shadow damage splash upon attacking.
Yes, number of Gorgo bites scales with tier. They also have an attack that is used against groups of knights, which they do not use against solo-ers. If anyone runs with a party, let us know how that attack feels as well.
I double-checked the T2 bite, it should be working though sometimes the Gorgo's drifting movement makes the second bite off-target. Clearly, they need to lay off those mugs of misery.