Profile picture change/update

I would love it if I could instead of using some picture that everyone and there pet scuttle bot named Sneakser can use we could take a position screen shot of our knight. Easiest way to do this would be to set up a screen cap system were the player when they have the P button tab open to have a button were the player can take a profile picture screen shot to their forum account. "But waht if people use this as a way to troll other people on the forum by sending this change to other peoples' accounts when they have nub gear armor?" well then it would simply have a "Would you like to make this your forum profile picture?" question box come up with the picture of the knight. In the box there will be a "No", "yes", and a "Ignore all profile picture updates from this account" button. The latter one to avoid people troll spamming these. If a player picks "No" to the same spiral knight account sending these requests then a "Would you like to ignore all profile updates from this Spiral Knights account?" question box would come up in case a forum user doesn't notice the first option.
All the current profile pictures should revise a red lining around the image if it is of a knight this way new players are easier to spot on the forum when they are using a premade profile picture of a chapue rose so they can't be mistaken for a long time player by using it.

It'd be nice if we could just upload our own images. Then we can just report people for "bad things" as their avatars and then they'd just be stuck with the non-custom ones.

Yes, i would like to have a feature like this. However, I don't see how the length a player has had the game is relevant to whether they are competent enough to post on the forums. With your reasoning, people would all but ignore any post made by newer players.
Not saying that would happen, but with your wording it implies it.
how do i change my Profile Picture from the beginning XD
p.s. if you can tell me on or an in game mail (ign:Phoned-Leek25)
how do you place a picture on your profile?