Hits :>

2 replies [Last post]
Coolnew's picture

Hi developers. How'ya doin'?

I wanted to tell you that you might want to do something to improve that moment when a knight hits a monster: after the UI upgrade, there's a new effect instead of the old simple yellow star. Now we see a little explosion. My point is that explosion causes a pretty huge drop of FPS on our poor old video cards, and it becomes non-negligible when there's a lot of monsters vortexed together. How about optimizing it so we can stay around 60 FPS even when we use Voltedge? ^.^

Thanks. Bye.

Silver-Bolt's picture
easy fix

Options->Video->Advanced Edit->check the "compatability mode" box

Coolnew's picture
Cactus hugs

Thanks for your response.
Solution already tried before. It does not solve the problem.