I've just started an article Time, to help people understand the time zone of the game (so that they can schedule parties, avoid reboots, etc.). Right now it's pretty stubby. Some points to consider:
* Is this already explained on the wiki? I couldn't find it anywhere.
* Is game time the same on the Asian servers?
* Is game time the same on the EU servers? (It has to be...right?)
Further discussion of this article would ideally appear at its talk page.
Time article
The game allows US and EU players to play together. So both servers have to be perfectly synchronized, as if they were one.
What would happen if during a reboot they update one set of havens but not the other?
I think that's what he meant by "It has to be...".
I could be wrong, but it seems that the servers no longer reboot at 5:00 game time every day. Is this a non-daylight-saving thing? Are they rebooting at 4:00? Or has this aspect of the game actually been improved?
P.S. I know it's a necro. Continuing the thread seemed better than starting a new one.
Rebooting is weird now. It appears to happen on a weekly basis, but sometimes they do a clever thing where they only have a partial reboot. That is to say, they stealthily don't allow people on some of the servers, and, when it's empty, they reboot it. I discovered this hanging around on the same instance for a fairly long amount of time until I got a warning about it happening, and then eventually getting kicked back to Haven.
Rebooting didn't happen at 4:00, 5:00, or 6:00 this morning. So the wiki page needs to be changed.
If it happens on a weekly basis, is there a reliable day and time, that I watch out for? I haven't noticed it.
By the way, yesterday the servers rebooted at 5:00 again. Or at least the one I was on. The boring plot thickens.
Time is the same on EU servers, I can confirm that much.