I looked at the boss page recently and noticed that someone forgot to give Maulos and Big Iron details after their encounters. If anyone encountered these bosses, please update the page. Thanks!
Maulos and Big Iron details left untouched in boss page
You just haven't heard or seen that the tentacles are what the Big Iron uses, as he is fixed to the ground, so he partly uses the ground as his weapon. Why not just transfer the stats and description from the pages listed under Battlepod and place them in the boss page, only alter his description a bit? I'm sure anyone can do it.
You just haven't heard or seen that the tentacles are what the Big Iron uses
As I've already explained, the tentacles have separate health, and thus appear to be separate monsters. You have not addressed this point.
In general, the tone of your posts is odd. You seem to think that the people to whom you're talking on these forums are novice players. Your default assumption should be exactly the opposite.
I'm sure anyone can do it.
The wiki has many deficiencies. They are easy to find. We don't need more people pointing out where the wiki needs improvement. We need more people actually making the improvements. So I encourage you to start editing, yourself.
I'm sure I know how to edit the wiki. I was sure anyone else could do it.
Feel free to copy-paste the description of Maulos and the Big Iron for the boss article
Of course! How could they forget to do that? Still, it's best to know. Thanks for the recommendations for the wiki knights!
Funny thing is that i have re-edited both articles a lot of times to show the most exact/perfect information :P
Glad that more people read the monster articles ^^
Sorry to dampen your mood, but I looked at the bosses' articles in the boss page, and it seems they haven't recieved your re-edits yet.
I was talking about the Big Iron and Maulos description in the Trojan/Battlepod article respectively.
Dont worry, I gonna copy-paste that information in the boss page in a few minutes
It's done, maybe i should add more information in the next days, but the Maulos and the Big Iron needed that big information long time ago. Anyway, thanks for warning us
It was just a matter of the eye of detail. We all gotta keep the wiki up to date, you know. I'm surprised nobody's done it sooner. Perhaps they were just too busy playing the game, they forgot to freshen up the wiki pages.
Please just continue your other thread about the Boss article. (Or, if you want to be as helpful as possible, then post your comments on the Boss article at the talk page of the Boss article.)
Maulos has one attack listed. I don't remember whether he has more; he may not. Big Iron doesn't really attack, depending on how you define "attack". It has shock balls swarming around it, but that's not really an attack. There are lasers, but they don't really seem like an attack either. There are tentacles attacking you, but those have their own health and appear to be technically separate monsters. In short, Big Iron itself doesn't do anything except switch from shielded to vulnerable and back.